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Children’s dentistry includes the care, monitoring, and treatment of oral health-related problems for children in the age of baby teeth and permanent tooth replacement, which can start with children from 3 to 15 years old. Above all, early and timely dental care for your baby is a way to help your child have a perfect smile with straight teeth and the right bite to develop confidently in the future. So what are dental treatments for children and what are the reputable clinics? Let’s find out with Elite Dental through the article below.

Pediatric Dentistry For The Primary Tooth Stage

After the first 6 months, children will grow their first baby teeth. In most children, the sequence of growing 20 baby teeth is as follows:

  • Central incisors: 6 – 12 months.
  • Bilateral incisors: 9 – 16 months.
  • First molars: 13 – 19 months.
  • Canines: 16 – 23 months.
  • Second molars: 22 – 33 months.

All the concerns during this period are the need to clean teeth for children to avoid baby tooth decay. Maintaining the health of baby teeth for your child not only helps them have a good experience with speech and chewing activities but is also an important premise for the development of permanent teeth at the stage of teeth replacement.

Therefore, at the age of 3, doctors encourage parents to give their children their first dental visit. This trip is not only for the doctor to check to help children clean their teeth, but also a way for children to get used to the dental environment and create a habit of  regular dental check-ups every 6 months.

Stages of teething in children

Pediatric Dentistry For The Tooth Replacement Stage (Permanent Teeth Emergence)

At the age of 6, the child prepares to replace the first tooth and the baby teeth will be replaced by permanent teeth. The sequence of tooth replacement in children begins with the eruption of a molar, tooth No. 6, and ends with tooth No. 7 at the age of 12.

At this time, parents need to closely monitor the process of replacing teeth and having regular dental check-ups for their babies, in order to early detect common abnormalities such as missing tooth buds, excessive spacing between teeth, and impacted teeth (such as Mesiodens) that interfere with tooth growth and affect  the positioning of other teeth.

On the other hand, the time from 6 to 12 years old is also the time when a child’s jawbone develops strongly. Therefore, children with misaligned and misshaped jaws such as overbites, underbites, narrow arches, and crowded teeth – if taken to a pediatric dentist, will be detected and intervened at the right time and properly cared for. Helps completely overcome deviations, ensuring peace of mind to have a beautiful smile and harmonious face.

The process of tooth replacement in children from 6-12 years old

When Should Parents Take Their Children To The Dentist? 

Parents should take their child to the pediatric dentist to examination, as soon as they find that their child has one of the following problems:

Children have cavities, pain, black spots on the root of the teeth, and a lot of plaque on the crown of the teeth.

Children have many problems in the process of replacing teeth such as overbites, underbites, and crooked teeth… causing difficulties in chewing, and pronunciation and affecting aesthetics.

Children with baby teeth that have fallen out for a long time but permanent teeth have not grown, parents need to check whether the child is missing tooth germs or if there are extra teeth growing underground that prevent permanent teeth from growing down.

Children have wisdom teeth growing early when they are 10-12 years old, negatively affecting their molars.

Children from 6 to 12 years old need dental screening to ensure that permanent tooth sprouts grow in  enough and in the right position.

The Importance Of Taking Your Baby For Regular Dental Check-ups

The American Association Orthodontics (AAO) recommends that parents have their children screened for periodic tooth replacement – at the right time from 6 to 7 years old, because it brings many benefits:

Help your child improve smile aesthetics, grow up confidently

Children’s dental treatment at the right time helps adjust the direction of permanent teeth growing in the right position on the jaw arch and creates a harmonious arrangement of teeth-lips-face. As a result, children have straight teeth, a balanced face, and a confident smile when they grow up.

Intervene promptly, support your child to change teeth smoothly

By examining children’s teeth at the right time, doctors will soon detect bone and dental abnormalities and have a timely intervention plan. This helps your child have a smooth tooth replacement journey, to achieve optimal results in both bite and facial appearance.

Help your child overcome symptoms and eat more deliciously

Some dental treatments for babies if intervened at the right time during the developing jawbone stage help effectively correct misalignments, increasing the chance of bringing the jaw to a more balanced position. Thereby, children have a physiologically standard bite to eat deliciously and digest well.

Train your child to be aware of oral care from an early age

Early orthodontic screening helps children be aware of the importance of proper oral care and eliminate bad habits that harm teeth and bites. This helps children maintain a healthy smile for a long time, avoiding the risk of dental diseases.

Children’s Dental Services At Elite Dental

Elite Dental offers a full range of popular kids’ dental services, providing children with comprehensive dental care.

Icon dấu tickFilling Cavities

Depending on the case of tooth decay, the doctor will prescribe dental fillings for prevention or treatment, in order to prevent bacteria from attacking nearby dental areas, helping children get rid of pain and chew better. The method is painless and only takes about 15-20 minutes.

Treat cavities for children with teeth filling
Currently, fillings for children can use GIC material (with fluoride release to help remineralize decayed teeth) or sealant (filling to prevent tooth decay on the chewing surface of the back teeth).

Icon dấu tickMinor Tooth Extraction Surgery

Minor surgery to remove children’s teeth is a solution to help create space and remove the supernumerary teeth that grow underground, stuck (also known as Mesioden teeth)… thereby orienting permanent teeth to grow smoothly and in the right position. This technique needs to be performed by an experienced doctor, to ensure the correct – sufficient, and safe indication for the child.

Minor dental surgery for kids
It is necessary to screen for tooth replacement and jawbone development in children so that this process takes place normally and stably.

Icon dấu tickOrthodontics For Children

Children’s braces are a superior orthodontic technique, with a variety of methods to help correct tooth and jawbone misalignments (such as overbite, underbite, open bite, deep bite, crowded teeth, and misalignment) to the right position. Orthodontics at the right time for children helps increase the chances of aesthetics and get the ideal bite, beautiful teeth, and overall harmonious face.

Braces for kids
Orthodontics at the right time for children during the tooth replacement period helps misalignments to be corrected promptly, with optimal effectiveness in both smile and face.

Dental Examination Process For Children At Elite Dental

The process of children’s dental examination is performed sequentially according to the following steps:

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Step 1

Step 1: Fill out the application and register for the baby's examination

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Step 2

Step 2: Doctor's examination

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Step 3

Step 3: Test or take a film
(if necessary)

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Step 4

Step 4: The doctor diagnoses and provides a treatment plan

Step 1: Fill out the application and register for the baby’s examination

Parents take their children to the clinic, and provide the required information (personal information, current dental problems that the child may be facing) to register for the examination for their child.

Step 2: The doctor examines the kid’s dental condition

The doctor will examine the child’s teeth, including baby teeth and permanent teeth (if any), to detect signs of tooth decay, tooth enamel erosion, and gum inflammation…

Step 3: Test or take a film (if necessary)

In some cases, the doctor may request tests or X-rays to accurately diagnose whether the child’s teeth, jawbone, and bite are abnormal.

Step 4: The doctor diagnoses and provides a treatment plan

If problems are detected, the doctor will discuss with the parents about options and make an appropriate treatment plan.

Elite Dental – High-quality Kids Dental Clinic

Specialized doctors provide accurate and timely advice – Giving children a confident smile

A team of professional baby dentists

Elite Dental gathers a team of good professional doctors with long-term experience in pediatric dentistry, so they understand the process of replacing teeth and developing jawbones to have the right – highly effective treatment plan. Thereby, it helps children eliminate harmful habits during treatment and helps teeth – jawbones develop smoothly and in the right sequence.

The digital application supports safe, accurate treatment

In order to properly diagnose children’s dental problems, Elite Dental is equipped with modern machines such as the Sirona Dentsply Panoramic scanner which reduces 40% radiation compared to traditional X-rays. Especially for orthodontic treatments, the equipment at Elite also supports accurate diagnosis and prescribes appropriate indications, ensuring that children have the most radiant smiles.

A variety of intensive treatment services for babies

Elite Dental owns a variety of treatment services from deep fillings, minor tooth extractions to orthodontics for children from 6 years old, advised by doctors in accordance with the child’s current dental problems. Parents can rest assured that their children who come to Elite will be comprehensively cared for, achieving optimal results in terms of smile, bite, and facial shape.

There is a separate play area for children

Coming to orthodontics at Elite Dental, children not only bring back beautiful smiles but also keep happy experiences. Elite Dental invests in a children’s playground with many eye-catching colors, playful physical activities, and interesting reading for children to comfortably play, relax mentally, and be ready for treatments.

Understanding and gently caring for children

In addition to constantly improving their expertise, cultivating practical experience and striving to update new children’s dental techniques, Elite’s doctors are also extremely psychological, gentle, always close to talk and patiently explain children’s questions. As a result, it helps to create psychological comfort and peace of mind for children to cooperate well during the treatment process.

Update dental care information for children to parents

In order to help children have a smooth tooth replacement journey and maintain healthy – beautiful – sustainable smile results, Elite Dental also regularly updates dental information for children to parents. Parents can monitor and control the teething sequence to detect abnormalities early and guide children to take proper care of their teeth at home.

How Much Does A Dental Check-Up For Children Cost?

Here is the cost of pediatric dental services at Elite Dental:

Consultation100.000 VND1 time
Tooth fillings350.000 VND – 450.000 VND1 tooth
Minor surgery on impacted teeth, wisdom teeth, and difficult teeth1.000.000 VND – 6.000.000 VND1 tooth
Orthodontic treatments
with application of growth appliances
15.000.000 VND – 30.000.000 VND1 treatment course
Orthodontic braces40.000.000 VND – 50.000.000 VND1 treatment course

Transparent costs, honest advice, no additional incurred.

Variety of payment methods, 0% interest installment support.

Prices may vary depending on the specific condition of each patient and the chosen treatment method. Please contact Elite Dental for accurate consultation and pricing.

Schedule a Dental Appointment for Children at Elite Dental

Protect your child’s oral health and smile

Tips for Parents Taking Their Child to a Pediatric Dental Clinic for the First Time

Here are some experiences that parents can refer to to help their children be more cooperative in their dental care journey:

Before treatment

  • It is recommended to take your child to the dentist for the first time when he/she is 3 years old.
  • Read stories and books about dental visits to help children visualize. Children will remember the information that the book provides such as: there is a play area, dental chairs, dental tools used by dentists to examine babies or films, the treatment of cavities,… When children know in advance, it will help them be more comfortable and confident to go to the dentist.
  • Talk to your child before your dental appointment.
  • Children should not be forced, maybe the first time they come to visit 1 round without any treatment right away.
  • Talking and explaining treatment is necessary if the child needs to have a filling.

After treatment

  • Support children psychologically during orthodontic treatment by having parents and doctors explain the meaning and benefits. Parents should also praise every time the child wears the instrument on time and self-discipline.
  • It is recommended to feed children liquid, crushed foods such as porridge, soup, oatmeal, etc. to help babies not have pain after fillings, tooth extractions, and braces. For desserts, parents can choose: bananas, yogurt, cheese, fruit juice… to help your child get enough necessary vitamins and minerals.
  • Avoid giving children hard foods (hard candy, legumes, nuts, etc.), sticky foods (chewing gum, marshmallows, etc.), foods that change the color of teeth (soft drinks, caramel, etc.).
  • Instruct your children to clean their teeth regularly with a soft-bristled brush, being gentle on the braces to avoid slipping the braces. Parents can also use floss and mouthwash to remove plaque and food debris left between the teeth.

Frequently Asked Questions When Examining Children’s Teeth

When should parents start taking their children to the dentist?

Elite Dental encourages parents to have their children see an orthodontist between the ages of 6 and 7 – this is the period when children begin to enter the process of replacing teeth. If there is a problem, the doctor will prescribe a timely intervention plan to help children have beautiful teeth and standard bites when they grow up.

How can I help my child get rid of fear when going to the dentist?

To help children forget the fear of dental examination, parents should talk and share thoroughly with their children about the treatment process. Or you can show your child videos or read books about dental topics so that they can understand it better. In addition, parents should pay attention to using positive and happy language when taking their children to the dentist. For example, instead of saying, “We’re going to have an oral health check-up,” you should say “Let’s go to the pediatric dentist to see if your teeth are healthy” or “Let’s work with the doctor to kill the bacteria that cause worms, to keep your teeth healthy!”

Above all, when taking their children to the dentist at Elite Dental, parents can rest assured that their children will have the most comfortable experience. The doctor is not only good at his profession but also very gentle in chatting to help children cooperate well and have a separate play area for him to relax and prepare before the dental examination.

Should my baby’s baby teeth grow messy?

Braces, adjusting the position of teeth are usually only done with permanent teeth. Therefore, with the question of whether messy baby teeth should be braces, parents should take their children to see an orthodontist early for examination and appropriate indication.

My child has had the habit of gnashing his teeth since childhood. Will it affect his oral health in the future?

The phenomenon of children grinding their teeth when sleeping, if not treated, can cause teeth to be misaligned, affecting the quality of tooth enamel… Therefore, if you notice that your child has replaced all of his baby teeth, or when he grows enough permanent teeth but cannot give up the habit of grinding his teeth, parents should take their child to the doctor for treatment as soon as possible.

Why does my baby have unlost baby teeth and grow new teeth?

The condition of baby teeth that have not fallen out but permanent teeth have grown can be caused by the following reasons:

  • The baby teeth were shaking, but the parents did not pay attention to pluck the baby.
  • The child’s permanent teeth grow in a misdirection, which does not affect the baby teeth, causing them not to fall out in time.
  • Baby teeth grow slowly, causing permanent teeth to grow in.
  • Children’s eating habits only eat soft food, puree… causing baby teeth to not have much chewing activity, leading to difficulty shaking.

When you see that your child has the above condition, parents should take their child to see a doctor to check the condition of their teeth. After a thorough examination, the doctor will indicate the appropriate treatment direction.

In short, dental examination for babies is a necessary thing that parents should do from an early age. With long-term experience in practicing children’s dentistry, the team of specialized doctors at Elite Dental is confident to accompany children to treat dental problems in the age of replacing baby teeth and permanent teeth, confidently owning a beautiful smile when they grow up.

Make an appointment with Elite Dental HERE or contact Hotline 0902 661 100 to start your journey of caring for and preserving your baby’s smile today!

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