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Cosmetic orthodontics for adults are an effective method to address issues such as gaps, overbites, underbites, and misaligned teeth, helping you achieve a healthy and confident smile. However, to successfully complete your orthodontic journey, it is essential to thoroughly understand the different types of braces, the costs, the duration of treatment, and other important considerations.

When Should Adults Get Braces?

Orthodontics utilize specialized dental appliances such as brackets, archwires, and clear aligners to apply traction force, moving misaligned teeth and jawbones into their correct positions. Contrary to the common belief that braces are only for children, adult orthodontic treatment is becoming increasingly popular and yields significant results. 

However, it is important to start the treatment as early as possible to facilitate the orthodontic process and allow teeth to move more quickly. Early treatment also brings positive changes such as a proper bite, straight teeth, and a more harmonious facial appearance.

For those who are hesitant about the inconvenience of traditional braces, clear aligners are an excellent option.

Who Needs Cosmetic Orthodontics As Soon As Possible?

Orthodontics are the optimal treatment solution for cases such as:

People with underbites, overbites, or prognathism that cause facial aesthetics issues, affect chewing function, and lead to speech impediments.

People with gapped teeth or large spaces between teeth that are prone to looseness and trapping food particles.

People with crowded, overlapping, or misaligned teeth that are both aesthetically unpleasing and difficult to maintain.

People with bite and jaw alignment issues such as open bite, deep bite, underbite, crossbite, and open bite, which result in facial imbalance and impact the temporomandibular joint and chewing function.

Benefits Of Orthodontic Treatment

An increasing number of people are choosing cosmetic orthodontics because this method offers outstanding benefits such as:

Adjust to a Proper Bite Alignment

One of the most noticeable effects of orthodontics is their ability to straighten and reposition misaligned teeth. This process also brings the bite into correct physiological alignment, ensuring a balanced relationship between the upper and lower jaws.

Improve Chewing Function

When the bite aligns correctly and the teeth are straightened, jaw movements become smoother. There is clear coordination between the upper and lower jaws during chewing, significantly enhancing chewing efficiency.

Shine with a Beautiful Smile

The result of orthodontic treatment is an even set of teeth, free from imperfections such as overbites, underbites, and misalignments. This creates a naturally beautiful smile, boosting your confidence in social interactions and conversations.

Prevent Oral Diseases

Orthodontic treatment aligns teeth neatly and tightly, eliminating gaps that make cleaning easier and prevent food from getting stuck. As a result, it minimizes the risk of oral diseases such as cavities, gum inflammation, and periodontal disease.

Reduce Many Complications

Early orthodontic treatment promotes a healthy bite, aiding clear pronunciation and reducing temporomandibular joint disorders. Moreover, straightened teeth are easier to clean, minimizing oral diseases that can lead to tooth loss and thereby preventing the need for dental implants.

Facial Transformation

Through targeted forces applied by specialized dental appliances, cosmetic braces also contribute to reshaping the jawbone structure. This process can create a more streamlined and harmonious facial appearance compared to before.

Can I get braces at 25-30 years old?

Many people wonder about the effectiveness of orthodontic treatment if done after the age of 25 – 30. In reality, there is no age limit for orthodontic treatment. Therefore, if you are over 25 – 30 years old, you can STILL RECEIVE ORTHODONTIC TREATMENT, provided that you adhere to the treatment plan and care instructions from your orthodontist, ensuring you achieve comprehensive dental health and aesthetics.

The Orthodontics Treatment Process: Stages and Duration

At Elite Dental, the orthodontic journey is accompanied by constant monitoring from our dentists to ensure teeth move according to plan, avoiding any unexpected deviations that could affect the final outcome. The orthodontics process at Elite consists of 4 stages:

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Step 1

Examination & X-ray Imaging

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Step 2

Consultation & Treatment Planning

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Step 3

Implementing Treatment with Orthodontic Appliances

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Step 4

Wearing Retainers for Maintenance

Step 1: Examination & Imaging 

First, the dentist conducts a comprehensive examination to assess your dental needs and review any oral health history. Following this, intraoral and extraoral photographs, as well as X-rays including cephalometric X-rays, are taken to provide necessary data for diagnosis.

Step 2: Consultation & Treatment Planning 

Using the imaging data and specialized software, the dentist identifies dental misalignments and devises a treatment plan. They estimate the treatment duration and provide detailed consultation on the next steps. 

If you agree to proceed, dental impressions are taken. Traditional braces involve conventional impression-taking. For cosmetic braces without brackets, modern 3D dental scanning technology is used.

Step 3: Treatment with Orthodontic Appliances 

Once you agree to the treatment plan, custom orthodontic appliances are manufactured accordingly. The process varies depending on the chosen method. For traditional braces, the braces are placed directly in your mouth. Clear aligners involve additional steps: after the 3D scan, the dentist plans and simulates the treatment on ClinCheck software for about 3 weeks. It takes another 3-4 weeks for your initial set of aligners to be produced and ready for pickup at the clinic.

Step 4: Wearing Retainers for Maintenance 

After achieving optimal orthodontic results (straight teeth, proper bite alignment, and balanced facial aesthetics) you will wear retainers for 1-2 years. Retainers help stabilize teeth in their new positions and prevent orthodontic relapse by restraining the tendency of teeth to shift back to their original positions.


The duration of orthodontics treatment typically ranges from 24 months and longer on average. However, this timeframe can vary based on factors such as the individual’s dental condition, type of orthodontic appliances used, dietary habits, oral hygiene, and dental care routines.

Orthodontic Methods

Below are common types of braces used for adults today. Please refer to these options to choose the method that best suits your dental needs and as recommended by your dentist.

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Experienced Orthodontists Specializing in Advanced Techniques

Why Choose Orthodontics Treatment at Elite Dental?

Treatment by leading experts – Comprehensive effectiveness for long-lasting healthy and beautiful teeth

Expert Orthodontic Team

The orthodontic team at Elite Dental boasts over 12 years of experience in both traditional braces and clear aligners. They continuously update their knowledge with the latest advancements in orthodontics worldwide. This ensures that patients can trust the meticulous evaluation of their bite alignment and jaw structure, leading to optimal treatment plans that preserve natural teeth and long-term oral health.

State-of-the-Art Equipment

Elite Dental invests in cutting-edge equipment such as Sirona X-ray machines from Germany and the 3D Trios scanning technology for precise and efficient dental impressions. Their Clincheck treatment planning software offers up to 90% accuracy, ensuring meticulous and safe orthodontic procedures with the highest effectiveness.

High-Quality Orthodontics Treatment Materials

 Patients choosing treatment at Elite Dental can rest assured as the clinic uses only internationally certified safe and high-quality materials for braces and clear aligners. Transparent aligners are crafted from biocompatible plastics certified by the FDA (Food and Drug Administration of the United States), ensuring no adverse effects or allergies for patients.

Strict and Safe Orthodontics Treatment Procedure

With profound expertise and extensive experience, Elite Dental’s orthodontists execute precise orthodontic procedures while strictly adhering to sterile protocols. This minimizes unnecessary tissue damage and ensures stable tooth movement throughout the treatment process. Continuous monitoring and rigorous checks further guarantee that treatment plans remain on track for stable and effective results.

Comprehensive and Sustainable Results

Elite Dental begins each orthodontic journey with thorough and comprehensive consultations, accurately assessing each patient’s dental condition. Based on this assessment, tailored treatment plans are meticulously designed to achieve impeccable aesthetic and functional outcomes for smiles, facial balance, and chewing efficiency.

Proven Track Record of Success

 With a vast database of thousands of successful orthodontic cases, Elite Dental offers diverse solutions that prioritize both dental health and smile aesthetics. During consultations, patients can preview similar cases, gaining confidence and peace of mind about the anticipated treatment outcomes.

How much does orthodontics treatment cost?

The cost of  orthodontics treatment for adults varies depending on the condition of the teeth, the type of  orthodontics treatment, and the treatment plan recommended by the dentist. As a specialized Orthodontics Center, Elite Dental confidently offers high-quality cosmetic braces services that are cost-effective.


Metal braces50.000.000 VND – 65.000.000 VND
Ceramic braces65.000.000 VND – 80.000.000 VND

MEAW braces
(Multiloop edgewise archwire technique)

70.000.000 VND – 80.000.000 VND
Clear aligners20.000.000 VND – 130.000.000 VND
Wisdom tooth extraction1.000.000 – 5.000.000 VND/1 tooth, based on position
Premolar extraction700.000 VND/1 tooth
Teeth cleaning + polishing

400.000 – 800.000 VND/2 jaws

Support for installment payments for orthodontics treatment, 0% interest rate: Minimum payment amount of 20 million VND. Customers must have credit cards from Standard Chartered/HSBC/Shinhan or agree to open credit cards with these banks. Installment periods:

Standard Chartered: 3/6/9 months

HSBC: 3/6 months

Shinhan Bank: 6 months

(*) Prices may vary depending on the specific condition of each patient and the chosen treatment method. Please contact Elite Dental for accurate consultation and pricing.

Testimonial at Elite Dental

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What does the media say about orthodontic services at Elite Dental?

Elite Dental is honored to receive a lot of attention from prestigious newspapers and media agencies with highly appreciated articles about cosmetic orthodontic services.

Detailed Consultation on Cost and Orthodontic Treatment Plan

Customers have achieved a new, healthy, beautifully aligned smile with harmonious aesthetics and proper bite alignment through our orthodontic services.

Tips for Successful Orthodontic Treatment

To ensure a smooth journey and achieve the desired results with your orthodontic treatment, consider the following tips:

Before treatment

  • Choose a reputable dental clinic with a team of highly skilled dentists experienced in dental care and treatment.
  • Proactively choose the type of braces or aligners that suit your needs and conditions, or consult a doctor for the most accurate choice. 
  • To easily compare the results before and after braces, you should understand the necessary and sufficient criteria for removing braces, such as bite alignment, midline, tooth position, function, aesthetics, and durability

During and After treatment

  • Avoid eating foods that are too hard or chewy during the braces period, as they can affect the pulling force of the braces. After the braces are removed, you should also limit eating hard and chewy foods initially to help stabilize the new tooth positions. 
  • Make sure to brush your teeth at least twice a day, combined with flossing and using mouthwash to remove plaque and food debris. 
  • Give up harmful habits such as biting pens, thumb sucking, lip sucking, and tongue thrusting, as they can affect the movement of your teeth.
  • Wear your retainer for the prescribed amount of time and attend your scheduled orthodontic appointments to monitor tooth movement and promptly detect any abnormal dental issues (if any).
  • After removing braces, you may consider additional dental treatments to perfect your smile, such as teeth whitening, veneers, fillings, or implants. Depending on each case, your doctor will advise you on the appropriate solution.”

FAQ About Orthodontics

Does orthodontic treatment hurt?

Although one might be hesitant due to fear of pain and discomfort, orthodontic treatment involves applying force to shift teeth into proper alignment, which can initially cause soreness, discomfort, difficulty chewing, and other sensations in the first few weeks. However, these feelings diminish over time. Advanced orthodontic techniques and the expertise of orthodontists help minimize these discomforts significantly.

Does orthodontic treatment require tooth extraction?

Tooth extraction during orthodontic treatment is NOT ALWAYS NECESSARY and depends on each individual’s oral condition and the orthodontist’s recommendation. If there is adequate space in the dental arch to adjust the tooth positions without extraction, it may not be necessary. In cases where extraction is needed, the orthodontist will recommend extracting teeth that can be removed without affecting oral health, such as wisdom teeth. It’s best to visit a dental clinic for a detailed examination of your current dental condition to determine the appropriate treatment plan.

Can you do dental braces at home?

Undertaking orthodontic treatment at home using commercially available or DIY orthodontic kits as guided by internet instructions is NOT RECOMMENDED. These kits often do not provide properly sized appliances, making it difficult to control the force applied to the teeth. Long-term use of improper orthodontic appliances can lead to teeth shifting in the wrong direction, becoming more misaligned and crooked. Moreover, widely available orthodontic kits of unknown origin and materials may cause infection and damage to the blood vessels around the teeth.

How is orthodontic treatment for adults different from children?

Orthodontic treatment for adults and children differs in several aspects:

  • Treatment duration and effectiveness: Adults have fully developed, harder jawbones that are less pliable and harder to adjust compared to children. This can potentially lengthen treatment time and sometimes complicate the orthodontic process, leading to higher costs for adult orthodontic treatment.
  • Aesthetic considerations: Adults are often more concerned about the aesthetic aspects of orthodontic treatment as they communicate frequently. Therefore, they tend to choose clear aligners that allow comfortable speaking and smiling without worrying about visible braces.
  • Tooth extraction potential: In adults, since their teeth are fully developed, in some cases, the orthodontist may recommend tooth extraction to create space for teeth movement.

How can I shorten the duration of orthodontic treatment?

To shorten the duration of orthodontic treatment, you should:

  • Attend appointments as scheduled by the orthodontist.
  • Adhere to wearing orthodontic appliances, such as braces or aligners, as instructed.
  • Reduce consumption of sugary foods and foods high in starch as they promote acid production leading to tooth decay and other gum diseases. In addition, avoid eating very hard and sticky foods as they can break or move orthodontic appliances.
  • Brush your teeth at least twice a day with a regular toothbrush combined with dental floss, and use dental floss instead of toothpicks, while also using mouthwash regularly.
  • Give up the habits that are harmful to the movement of teeth, such as biting pens, sucking fingers, sucking lips, using tongues to push teeth…

Does orthodontic treatment affect speech?

During the initial days of orthodontic treatment, due to unfamiliarity with the appliances in the mouth, the person undergoing treatment may feel discomfort and have difficulty speaking, which may cause the sound to be uneven and unclear. However, this period typically lasts an average of 3 – 5 days after braces or other appliances are applied. After adaptation, you can pronounce clearly as before.

Does orthodontic treatment change eating habits?

Orthodontic treatment does not cause any difficulty in eating. Especially, if you choose clear aligners, you can completely remove the tray for easy eating.

In conclusion, for orthodontic treatment to be successful in terms of both aesthetic and chewing, the most important thing is to find a reputable, professional dental clinic where orthodontists are well trained and have practiced treatment on various cases. If you are unsure where to get orthodontic treatment, do not hesitate to contact Elite Dental. The leading specialist team at Elite is confident in providing you with the best orthodontic treatment plan, ensuring long-lasting sustainability!