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Teeth whitening is a dental technique that safely makes your teeth brighter than their original color, helping customers regain a standout, attractive smile. However, many people are still hesitant, wondering if teeth whitening is good and whether it hurts. At Elite Dental, we provide valuable information about current teeth whitening and bleaching methods, helping you make the right decision.

What is Teeth Whitening?

Does It Hurt?

When we are young, most of us have bright-colored teeth. However, as we eat and grow, the dentin becomes stained by food, causing our teeth to yellow. Teeth whitening is a quick solution to brighten your teeth, helping you regain a confident, radiant smile.

Many people wonder if teeth whitening causes sensitivity. The essence of teeth whitening treatment is a redox reaction that eliminates colored molecules in the dentin, making the teeth whiter. Therefore, unlike what many people think, teeth whitening does not affect the enamel and does not cause pain or sensitivity during the procedure.

When Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

Teeth whitening is an optimal solution for improving tooth color, suitable for individuals over 18 years old, especially in the following cases:

Teeth with naturally dull and unattractive color

Teeth darken with age due to thickening of dentin and reduced enamel reflection of light.

Healthy teeth, not worn down, but discolored due to improper hygiene, food stains, etc.

Teeth stained by plaque buildup, especially tartar.

Who is not suitable for teeth whitening?
  • Children under 16 years old.
  • Teeth with dental crowns or veneers.
  • Teeth affected by severe dental caries.
  • Teeth with signs of gum disease such as swelling, inflammation, or recession.
  • Severely worn tooth enamel.
  • Teeth with significant enamel erosion.
  • Individuals allergic to components in teeth whitening products.

Should You Whiten Your Teeth?

4 Benefits to Consider

Teeth whitening is chosen by many for their “smile makeover” journey due to the following advantages:

Improving discolored teeth

The essence of teeth whitening is to initiate an oxidation reaction that breaks down the bonds of color-causing proteins, thereby lightening yellow and brown hues within the tooth enamel, resulting in whiter teeth.

Removing yellow stains on teeth

The oxidation process during teeth whitening helps eliminate yellow stains and long-standing plaque on the teeth. As a result, you achieve clean teeth free from plaque and a naturally brighter appearance

Increased confidence with brighter teeth

After enhancing the color of your teeth and removing yellow stains, your smile will naturally appear brighter. This boosts your confidence when smiling or communicating with others around you

Pain-free and comfortable whitening

The teeth whitening process is performed gently without invasive interference with the teeth, thereby minimizing discomfort and greatly reducing any sensation of sensitivity.

Should I choose teeth whitening at the dentist or at home?
  • Home teeth whitening: Using products of unclear origin may affect tooth enamel, leading to tooth cracking, etc. Therefore, only use teeth whitening products from reputable brands with clear proof of origin to ensure safety.
  • Dental office teeth whitening: Choose a reputable clinic equipped with modern technology, sterilization procedures, and dedicated medication to ensure maximum safety.

What Is The Procedure For Teeth Whitening Treatment?

Specific steps of the teeth whitening process are as follows:

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Step 1

Consultation and teeth whitening discussion with the dentist

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Step 2

Scaling to clean the teeth

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Step 3

Teeth whitening procedure

Step 1: Consultation and teeth whitening advice with the dentist

You will consult with the dentist. After examining the current condition and assessing the teeth color, the dentist will predict the teeth color after whitening to help you visualize the treatment outcome.

Step 2: Scaling for teeth cleaning 

The dentist performs scaling to clean the teeth and enhance the absorption of the whitening agent. This aids in facilitating the teeth whitening process and achieving optimal treatment results.

Step 3: Teeth whitening procedure

The dentist prepares a customized set of medications for each patient, using tools within the medication kit to protect lips and gums. Subsequently, the dentist applies the whitening agent and activates it with a light. Each light activation session lasts approximately 10-15 minutes. The entire process involves applying and activating the whitening agent four times.

How long do the whitened teeth last?

The teeth whitening procedure typically takes about 2 hours to complete.

Choose Teeth Whitening at Elite Dental

Quickly Enhance Your Bright Smile

Elite Dental Clinic prides ourselves on being a reputable destination for teeth whitening for the following standout advantages:

Experienced doctors ensure satisfactory results

Elite Dental is a reputable teeth whitening destination with a team of highly skilled dentists boasting over 10 years of experience, successfully treating cases ranging from simple to complex tooth discoloration.

Application of Zoom 2 WhiteSpeed teeth whitening technology

Zoom 2 WhiteSpeed technology (USA) utilizes LED light with over 100% higher light intensity compared to other systems, maximizing the effectiveness of the whitening agent without causing discomfort or minimizing sensitivity for customers..

Personalized teeth whitening kit with included sensitivity prevention medication

Elite Dental provides personalized teeth whitening kits that include everything from mouth guards, lip balms, lip moisturizers, to cotton rolls, all individually packaged to prevent cross-contamination between customers.

Rapid and time-efficient whitening procedure

The teeth whitening process at Elite Dental is gentle and swift. The whitening session lasts for 120 minutes, allowing customers to achieve desired results in just one appointment.

Rigorous sterilization of instruments ensures safety 

All instruments used during the teeth whitening procedure at Elite Dental undergo meticulous sterilization using state-of-the-art equipment and technology, ensuring sterility and safety for customers.

Modern dental chairs for comfortable experience

Elite Dental features dental chairs directly imported from Sirona (Germany), providing comfort, convenience, and a soothing experience for customers. Additionally, the chairs are disinfected after each treatment session to ensure maximum safety.

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost?

The cost of teeth whitening using Zoom2 WhiteSpeed technology at Elite Dental is 6.000.000 VND. If scaling is required, the cost typically ranges from 400.000 VND to 800.000 VND.

Whitening (home-based treatment)1.800.000 VND1 kit
Teeth whitening400.000 VND1 tube
Whitening (clinic-based treatment)6.000.000 VNDIncludes in-office whitening with Zoom2 WhiteSpeed ​​technology + 1 pair of trays + 1 lozenge at home

Commitment to honest and transparent cost consultation, with no additional charges during treatment.

Providing payment options of lump sum or installment with 0% interest.

Prices may vary depending on the specific condition of each patient and the chosen treatment method. Please contact Elite Dental for accurate consultation and pricing.

Experience teeth whitening services at Elite Dental

Regain confidence with a bright white smile

Teeth Whitening Precautions

Below are some tips before and after teeth whitening to help you achieve desired results:

Before Treatment:

  • Clean any plaque buildup, treat cavities, gum inflammation, gingivitis, restore worn enamel, and alleviate sensitivity if teeth are overly sensitive.
  • Teeth whitening agents only work on natural teeth. Therefore, if you have dental veneers, discuss with your dentist before proceeding with teeth whitening.
  • Choose a reputable dental clinic with a team of experienced and skilled dentists to ensure high treatment efficacy and safety.
  • Inform the dentist about your health condition and any allergies before teeth whitening.

After treatment:

  • Sensitivity after teeth whitening is considered a normal occurrence, so there’s no need to worry excessively. If sensitivity persists and becomes uncomfortable, inform your dentist promptly for timely management.
  • For severe discoloration cases, after in-office teeth whitening, wearing a whitening tray at home may be necessary to achieve desired results.
  • After whitening, limit consumption of colored foods and beverages, avoid drinking excessively hot or cold water, and maintain thorough oral hygiene to minimize teeth re-staining.

Frequently Asked Questions About Teeth Whitening Service

Elite Dental will help you address some frequently asked questions about teeth whitening, such as:

Is teeth whitening safe?

Many people worry that teeth whitening may harm tooth enamel. However, the essence of teeth whitening treatment involves an oxidation-reduction reaction to eliminate color molecules in the tooth enamel, resulting in brighter teeth. Therefore, teeth whitening does not affect tooth enamel. Especially with Zoom 2 WhiteSpeed technology at Elite Dental, each customer receives their own set of whitening agents to ensure maximum safety.

How long does teeth whitening last? Will my teeth turn yellow again?

After teeth whitening, normal eating and drinking habits can cause color molecules from food and beverages to adhere to the tooth enamel over time, causing teeth to yellow again. To maintain bright teeth, it is recommended to undergo teeth whitening at the dental office every 2 years. Additionally, to preserve tooth color, limit consumption of colored foods such as tea, coffee, curry, and beef noodles. If consuming these items, follow up with drinking water to help remove some of the color adhered to the teeth.

How long after teeth whitening can I eat?

After teeth whitening, it’s advisable to avoid eating for the first 2 hours. During this time, you should drink plenty of water to clean your teeth. In the next 24 hours, avoid consuming very hot or very cold foods to prevent sensitivity. In the following 48-72 hours, it’s recommended to avoid consuming foods that are highly pigmented and can cause yellowing of the teeth. Even after 3-5 days post-teeth whitening, continue to avoid colored foods, tobacco, alcohol, etc., to maintain the whiteness of your teeth.

Can pregnant or breastfeeding women undergo teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening medications and laser teeth whitening technologies may have adverse effects on the health of both the fetus and the quality of breast milk. Therefore, pregnant or breastfeeding women should avoid teeth whitening to ensure safety.

Does teeth whitening affect dentures?

Teeth whitening products only affect natural tooth enamel. Therefore, dentures or teeth with porcelain crowns will not be affected by teeth whitening treatments. For individuals with a combination of natural and artificial teeth, it’s recommended to consult with a dentist after whitening natural teeth to ensure the artificial teeth match in color

For an effective and safe teeth whitening journey to enhance your smile comfortably and conveniently, choose a reputable dental clinic with specialized dental professionals. Schedule a consultation with Elite Dental by calling 028 7306 3838 for detailed advice on our services!