Ms. L.T
34 years old, Ho Chi Minh City

Ms. L.T had a protruding jaw and midline deviation, with an unattractive profile. To ensure comfortable chewing and aesthetics while maintaining effective treatment, the doctor advised invisible braces with additional maximum anchorage and elastics.
Mai Van Trang
Beauty Blogger

Crowded teeth and misaligned bite caused V.T difficulties in eating. The doctor extracted four wisdom teeth to expand the arch, used invisible aligners, and elastics to align the bite and teeth.
Ms. Thuy Linh
33 years old, Office worker

T.L had a 100% deep bite causing gum exposure, jaw pain while chewing, accompanied by scissors bite and lower arch crowding. The doctor prescribed invisible braces to expand the lower arch, align the teeth, combined with Miniscrew to support intruding the upper incisors.

T.N had a 100% deep bite with significant gum exposure. The doctor used invisible braces to correct the deep bite and performed laser gingivectomy, giving T.N a new smile with balanced teeth and a perfect smile line.
Bao Chau

Bao Chau had crowded teeth, protruding jaws, and a long face. The doctor prescribed braces to expand and move molars back, reducing crowding and aligning the bite, enhancing her beautiful smile.

Crowded, narrow arch, and protruding jaw made B.T insecure about her smile. Due to frequent communication in her job, the doctor prescribed invisible aligners. After two years of treatment at Elite Dental, B.T transformed completely with a radiant smile.