What are all-porcelain crowns teeth? Is it good? What types are included?

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Nguyen Phuong Hang

Today, all-porcelain crowns teeth are popularly applied because of their transparent, natural color like real teeth, long service life and safety for health. Related to the all-porcelain crowns tooth solution, there are also many questions such as how much do all-porcelain crowns teeth cost and what is the best treatment address? To find out the answer, please refer to the information in the article below. 

1. What are all-porcelain teeth?

All-porcelain crowns teeth are teeth with an inner rib made of 100% biological porcelain. This is different from metal porcelain teeth that are made of braces made of Chromium-Cobalt, Chromium-Nickel alloys or precious metals such as gold, platinum and palladium. 

Currently, all-porcelain crowns teeth are rated the best of all porcelain teeth, thanks to the comprehensive prosthetic effect, for aesthetics and chewing function. To discover the advantages of all-porcelain crowns teeth, please continue to refer to the information in the next section. 

all porcelain crowns
All-porcelain crowns teeth are crafted entirely from porcelain materials, providing an optimal effect on aesthetics and chewing function.
Pros and cons of porcelain crowns: Considerations before implementation

Porcelain crowns are a popular cosmetic tooth restoration method today. However, if you are planning to get porcelain crowns, you need to carefully learn about the pros and cons of this method to decide whether to do it or not. Let's find out more details through our articles! 1. Advantages…

2. Advantages of all-porcelain crowns teeth

All-porcelain crowns teeth are highly appreciated by many customers in the field of cosmetic dentistry because they bring 3 outstanding advantages: 

2.1. High durability

All-porcelain crowns teeth have 5 times better bearing capacity than real teeth, helping patients comfortably enjoy their favorite food. Compared with metal porcelain teeth that are prone to blackening the gum border after use, all-porcelain crowns teeth can resist acid corrosion, reduce soft tissue irritation, limit bad breath, periodontitis and achieve rapid prosthetic effects.

View more: Do Dental Crowns cause bad breath? Understanding the Causes and Solutions

2.2. High aesthetics

The color of the all-porcelain crowns teeth is transparent, glossy and naturally beautiful like real teeth, ensuring a high aesthetic. Even when illuminating, the teeth still retain a bright white color, no black gum border or gaps, helping customers confidently communicate and eat. 

2.3. High biocompatibility

Thanks to its high biocompatibility the gums, all-porcelain crowns teeth have benign advantages, suitable for all locations and safe for customers’ health. 

More information: Which is more advantageous: Porcelain Dental Crowns or Dental Veneers?

3. What are the types of all-porcelain crowns teeth?

At Elite Dental, there are 4 types of porcelain teeth that customers prioritize to choose: 

3.1. Cercon all-porcelain crowns teeth

Cercon is an all-porcelain crown tooth imported directly from Germany, with the frame and outer coating made of completely porcelain, supporting to overcome tooth loss or defects of teeth (such as chipped teeth, irreversibly decayed teeth). 

In addition, Cercon all-porcelain crown teeth also have advantages: 

  • There is no reflectivity, so it retains the same natural color and brightness as real teeth. 
  • Resists corrosion processes of various kinds of acids in the oral cavity, limits plaque on the teeth, supports easy hygiene and prevents bad breath, periodontitis. 
  • Good bearing capacity, durability up to 10 years, if properly cared for and maintained. 
  • Cercon all-porcelain crown teeth are easily compatible with soft tissues, ensuring safety for the body. 

3.2. Zirconia all-porcelain crowns teeth

This is a line of non – metallic porcelain teeth, with a frame structure made of Zirconia material (ZrO2) and an outer crown covered with high-quality porcelain. Along with that, Zirconia porcelain teeth have the highest aesthetics today, bringing outstanding advantages during treatment: 

  • White like dentin, without a metal frame, so it prevents oxidation, black gum border or black glow when reflected. 
  • Thanks to its high compatibility with soft tissues in the oral cavity, Zirconia all-porcelain crowns teeth are safe, not allergic to gums, do not cause dental diseases such as gingivitis, bad breath or affect the surrounding teeth.
  • Good bearing capacity, less abrasion or chipping during eating, thanks to the material with high hardness, along with bending force up to 600 Mpa.
View more: Porcelain Crowns: Advantages, Disadvantages, and What to consider before getting one
full porcelain crown
Zirconia all-porcelain crowns teeth have good bearing capacity, help you chew firmly and maintain long-term durability.

3.3. Emax porcelain teeth

Emax porcelain is a high-quality non-metallic porcelain of the famous Ivoclar company from Europe. Dubbed as the “golden” material in cosmetic dentistry, Emax all-porcelain crowns teeth possess 3 outstanding advantages: 

  • Thanks to its high optical permeability similar to ivory, Emax porcelain has both clarity and natural color like real teeth, which do not change color over time. 
  • Proven to be highly biocompatible with gums, ensuring absolute safety according to current ISO and CE standards. 
  • Has good smoothness and thermal insulation, as a result, teeth are less sensitive and limit plaque, maintaining long-term shine. 

3.4. Korean all-porcelain crowns teeth

In addition to Cercon, Zirconia and Emax all-porcelain crowns teeth, Elite Dental also has a line of Korean all-porcelain crowns teeth with the following advantages: 

  • The color and appearance resemble real teeth.
  • Does not cause irritation to the gums and jawbone, and does not transform in an acidic environment. 
  • Long life expectancy, even forever if well cared for. 
Read more: Comparison Between All-Porcelain Crowns and Porcelain-Fused-to-Metal (PFM) Crowns

4. How much do all-porcelain crowns teeth cost?

Here is the latest price list of all-porcelain crowns teeth at Elite Dental: 

Titanium Porcelain Crown3.000.000
UNC All-Porcelain Crown5.000.000
Zirconia All-Porcelain Crown 7.000.000 – 8.000.000

For detailed advice and an accurate quote on the condition of your teeth, please contact Elite Dental HERE.

5. Where to make all-porcelain crown teeth for good results?

All-porcelain crown teeth have many outstanding advantages for chewing ability and facial aesthetics. However, for the final results to be as comprehensive as desired, a lot depends on the skill of the doctor. 

Accordingly, the doctor must have solid expertise to determine the right color and size, helping patients soon have a new tooth that looks like a real tooth, limiting the gap that causes food to adhere, leading to decay of the adjacent teeth. Especially, experienced doctors help assess the condition of teeth accurately, develop optimal treatment plans, help complete all-porcelain crown teeth after finishing, have high aesthetics and standard bites. 

Thus, before deciding to have full-porcelain crown teeth, the first important thing is to choose an intensive dental center, where there is a team of good and skilled prosthetists

 5 reasons why you should have all porcelain crown teeth at Elite Dental 

Established in 2012, up to now, Elite Dental has become a prestigious dental address, chosen by customers to make all porcelain crown teeth by the following outstanding features: 

1. Coming to Elite Dentistry, customers are directly treated with a team of intensive plastic prosthetics, who have many years of experience in practicing all porcelain crown teeth, have perfected hundreds of new healthy and radiant smiles. Especially, the doctor has been trained at a prestigious university in the world, possessing solid knowledge to help assess the correct condition of teeth, and advise on the right treatment plan. Thanks to this, the result ensures natural aesthetics and maintains the strength of real teeth. 

2. Elite Dental regularly updates the current system of state-of-the-art equipment and machinery, and at the same time applies digital technology to treatment, bringing a smooth, gentle experience and shortening the maximum time. 

  • The 3D marking technique with color camera captures the condition of teeth visually and vividly, making the subsequent design step smooth. 
  • Smart software accurately analyzes the collected data, helps the Doctor calculate, gives sketches, to design the shape of teeth in harmony with the mouth of each person. 
  • The ceramic cutter is connected to the design software, delivering meticulous, detailed and precise grinding cycles, resulting in a sharp, delicate natural result. 
  • Refined prosthetics are inserted into the EP3010 oven by the Doctor with a completion time of just a few minutes. Thus, the process of making all porcelain crown teeth at Elite Dental takes about 3-4 hours, but patients immediately have new teeth satisfactory, ensuring the aesthetics and chewing function almost completely.

3. Elite Dental is committed to using high quality Emax, Cercon and Zirconia porcelain materials, ensuring genuine imports, for a chewing experience like real teeth and maintaining long-term durability.

4. The treatment process is closed and sterile, the clinic meets international standards to help limit cross-infection between patients. 

>> Learn details about COSMETIC DENTISTRY (PRICELIST)  at Elite Dental HERE.

5. Elite Dental provides a clear and transparent warranty policy. In addition, a team of consultants is ready to support and answer customers’ questions 24/7.

all ceramic crowns
The team of doctors at Elite Dental has many years of experience in practicing all porcelain crown teeth, bringing maximum satisfaction to customers.
full porcelain crown teeth
Thanks to the modern Cerec Chairside system – equipment applying CAD/CAM digital technology, the time to make all porcelain crown teeth at Elite Dental is significantly shortened.

Experience cosmetic porcelain teeth at Elite dentistry by Lim Yong Hoon (44 years old, Korean nationality) 

6. Some frequently asked questions about all porcelain crown teeth 

Elite Dental answers some questions of customers about all porcelain crown teeth: 

6.1. Should I choose cheap all-porcelain teeth?

Some dental addresses offer lower prices for all porcelain crown teeth than the market and this makes many people wonder whether to choose. In fact, you should consider carefully, because cheap services are often accompanied by poor quality, can achieve undesirable results due to poor doctors’ workmanship, floating porcelain materials – unknown origin leading to the risk of oral health and whole body health, time – consuming and costly. 

It is best to go to a reputable dental center – where there is a team of qualified doctors, advising customers to choose the type of all-porcelain crown teeth and the right price. 

6.2. Are all-porcelain crown teeth discolored? 

Basically, all-porcelain crown teeth can change color over time if improper care or poor quality materials are selected. To prevent this, you should clean your teeth every day, limiting the use of colored foods, carbonated soft drinks or tough foods. When choosing a treatment facility, prioritize a reputable address, have a good doctor and good techniques to help you make your whole porcelain crown teeth in the right procedure, ensuring stable and long – lasting results. Refer to effective teeth whitening methods HERE.

Above is all the overview information about all porcelain crown teeth. In general, all-porcelain crown teeth is a service favored by customers because it not only enhances the aesthetic of the smile, but also overcomes existing dental defects. For maximum satisfaction in the én result, customers are encouraged to choose an intensive center such as Elite Dental. Here, the consultation and treatment process is closely monitored by a team of qualified doctors, ensuring maximum satisfaction efficiency, saving time and costs for customers. Contact Elite Dental HERE for a detailed quote and advice!

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