Is gum surgery painful? What you need to know about gum contouring

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Tran Hung Lam
Professional Director of Elite Dental

Gum contouring is one of the effective and safe solutions to bring a brighter smile without harming the real gum tissue. Elite Dental has received a lot of interest from many customers about this method, mainly regarding techniques, costs, time, and procedures. So, does gum surgery hurt, and what information do you need to know about gum contouring? Through the following article, Elite will provide comprehensive answers.

1. What is the gum surgery method?

Gum surgery (gingivectomy) is a minor dental surgery performed by dissecting, dissecting the connection between the jaw and the gum tissue, flipping the gum flap up, and cutting away excess gum tissue clinging to the tooth. This exposes the tooth’s crown, making the tooth appear longer or removing inflamed or enlarged gum tissue due to the presence of a tumor

The illustration helps you visualize the contemporary gum contouring method, which elongates the tooth crown.

Prominent advantages of the gum contouring method:

  • No need for stitches after surgery: Gum contouring is a minimally invasive procedure, causing minimal trauma, so there’s no need for stitches after surgery.
  • High aesthetic value: With just one surgery, long-lasting aesthetic results are achieved, giving you a radiant smile for a long time.
  • Short surgical time: Gum contouring is a relatively simple procedure, performed quickly, usually taking about 30 minutes per session.

2. Cases where gum contouring is recommended

Gum contouring is advisable in the following cases:

2.1. Gum contouring for treating gummy smiles

Due to antibiotic use, gum tissue may overgrow, covering more of the tooth than normal, making the teeth appear shorter. Or in some cases, the gums may lengthen due to complications after orthodontic treatment, resulting in longer tooth roots and more exposed gums. This affects the aesthetic of the smile, with the appearance of a gummy smile, which can be unattractive and lead to a lack of confidence. By removing excess gum tissue, lengthening the tooth crown, and reshaping the gums, the balance between gums, teeth, and lips can be restored, effectively addressing the gummy smile issue that has persisted for so long.

2.2. Gum contouring for severe gum inflammation

Severe gum inflammation that cannot be cured by conventional methods may require gum surgery. During this procedure, the inflamed gum tissue is removed, combined with treatment using other methods to eliminate bacteria hiding beneath the tooth roots. This significantly reduces pain and discomfort in the gums, allowing patients to chew comfortably as usual.

2.3. Gum contouring for excess or overhanging gums

Some cases of genetically long gum tissue lead to excess gums covering too much of the tooth crown. This is especially common with wisdom teeth, where overhanging gums can cause tooth impaction and discomfort. Trimming the overhanging gums is an optimal solution to promote normal tooth growth, while also reducing the risk of misalignment and weak jawbone. This minimizes bleeding and infection to the fullest extent possible.

> Discover more: Does getting wisdom teeth hurt? Key points to consider

2.4. Gum contouring for excessive gum tissue due to tumors

In cases where gum tissue grows abnormally, it can form an excessive tumor. This can cause swelling in the entire gum area and lead to various serious complications. Taking anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving medications is only temporary. Only gum surgery is the definitive treatment method.

2.5. Gum contouring for facilitating tooth eruption in children

During the phase of children’s tooth replacement, if the gum tissue is too thick, preventing permanent teeth from erupting properly, gum surgery to expose the teeth may be necessary to assist the child’s teeth in growing normally.

2.6. Other cases

Some cases may require additional dental procedures, such as combining gum contouring with upper lip lowering to reduce exposed gum tissue; applying dental veneers if teeth are discolored or stained.

Based on the current condition of each patient’s teeth, the dentist conducts direct examination, assesses the severity, and then develops a comprehensive treatment plan.

3. Current gum contouring techniques

Below are some gum contouring methods you can consider:

3.1. Laser gum contouring

This method removes excess gum tissue using advanced laser technology, which is effective and stimulates quick wound healing, providing a gentle experience for customers.

At Elite Dental, customers will be treated with the SiroLaser Blue machine (a product of Dentsply Sirona Group – Germany). This is the world’s first diode laser system with blue, infrared, and red laser beams. The machine has the advantage of minimizing complications, eliminating the need for antibiotics after treatment.

Here are some images of elongating tooth crowns through laser gum contouring:

gum cutting

gum contouring

3.2. Cosmetic gum contouring using a scalpel

This method is performed manually with a dental scalpel, requiring specialized knowledge and skilled surgical hands of the dentist. Previously, this method was often used to treat inflamed gums, but due to its many drawbacks (such as the risk of infection, bleeding, long healing time…), it is now less commonly applied.

3.3. Electric gum contouring

This method uses electrical waveforms, high-frequency electrical sparks to remove inflamed gum tissue or trim excessive gums. Compared to scalpel gum contouring, this method causes less bleeding after surgery. However, it is not a popular gum contouring technique because it requires strict implementation conditions (needs to be used in bloodless areas, cannot come into contact with the jawbone).

👉 So, which gum contouring method is the best and safest?

It can be seen that cosmetic gum contouring with lasers is the advanced method that dentists prioritize, as it is both safe and ensures quick wound recovery.

4. Is gum contouring surgery dangerous?

Gum contouring to lengthen tooth crowns is a minor dental procedure, simple and non-invasive to the tooth structure, thus ensuring safety and no adverse effects on health.

However, if performed by unreliable or low-quality dental facilities without ensuring sterilization, several issues may arise:

  • Anesthetic poisoning or shock: This occurs when the body reacts adversely to the anesthetic or when the dentist administers the anesthetic incorrectly. Symptoms of anesthetic poisoning/shock include difficulty breathing, rapid heartbeat, increased heart rate, dizziness, and nausea.
  • Gum bleeding: Prolonged gum bleeding due to improper gum cutting technique, invading other areas in the oral cavity.
  • Gum infection: The gum cutting process without ensuring sterility can easily lead to wound infection.
  • Incorrect gum cutting, uneven incisions: The gum tissue is crucial for oral health. An inexperienced dentist may mistakenly cut this tissue, resulting in uneven incisions.

To prevent complications, the dentist will conduct examinations, assess overall health, and treat any oral diseases before performing gum contouring. Moreover, it is crucial to choose a reputable dental clinic.

5. Where to undergo trustworthy gum contouring surgery?

For over 12 years, Elite Dental has been proud to be a specialized dental center with an experienced team of dentists and modern equipment.

With gum contouring procedures taking only 1 hour using the SiroLaser Blue machine, many customers have quickly achieved a radiant new smile.

gingivectomy cost
The female customer, after undergoing cosmetic gum contouring at Elite Dental, is completely satisfied with her beautiful smile, achieved through the harmonious balance of teeth and gums.
gingivectomy procedure
Ms. T.H. shared, “I didn’t expect the treatment to be so quick and gentle like that. If I had known, I would have done it sooner.”

6. Gum contouring cost at Elite Dental

Depending on the condition of your teeth and the location of gum contouring needed after examination, the dentist will advise you on the appropriate solution and the corresponding cost.

At Elite Dental, the price for gum contouring surgery using laser is as follows:

Cases Cost
Gum contouring surgery to lengthen tooth crown without bone correction1,000,000 VND/tooth
Gum contouring surgery to lengthen tooth crown with bone correction (Gum contouring surgery to lengthen tooth crown without bone correction x units) + 5,000,000 VND/jaw
What is the cost of cosmetic gum surgery?

Cosmetic gum surgery is a procedure that elongates the teeth, helping to correct the gummy smile by removing excess gum tissue. This surgery requires high technical expertise, professional skills, and surgical proficiency from the dentist. Therefore, besides choosing a reputable dental clinic, the cost of gum surgery is also a…

7. Gum contouring surgery process with laser

The gum contouring procedure with laser involves the following 4 basic steps:

Step 1: Examination and consultation

First, the dentist conducts a comprehensive examination of the patient’s current dental condition. If any oral issues are detected, the patient is treated for those first. Then, the dentist develops a specific treatment plan, determining the number of gums to be contoured and the most suitable gum contouring ratio.

Step 2: Oral hygiene and anesthesia

This is a crucial step to ensure safety before gum contouring surgery. Oral cleaning procedures such as scaling and plaque removal are performed first, followed by anesthesia to start the gum contouring surgery.

Read more: What to Expect During a Teeth Cleaning at Elite Dental?

Step 3: Gum contouring surgery with laser

Based on the predetermined ratio in the treatment plan, the dentist performs gum contouring using laser to create aesthetic gum lines in the oral cavity.

Step 4: Finalization and follow-up appointment

After gum contouring surgery, the dentist cleans the oral cavity, disinfects it again, and instructs the patient on how to care for their oral hygiene.

8. Is gum contouring painful?

During the entire gum contouring surgery process, the patient is under anesthesia, so there is no pain. A few hours after surgery – when the anesthesia wears off, the patient takes painkillers as prescribed by the dentist. Therefore, the experience of gum contouring becomes smoother and less worrisome.

9. Does gum contouring grow back?

If you undergo gum contouring at a reputable dental clinic with skilled dentists, the gum tissue will not grow back. However, if the procedure is not performed correctly, the gum tissue may regrow after about 3 months due to incorrect ratios or the use of low-quality dental instruments.

10. How long does it take for gum contouring to heal?

The recovery time after gum contouring mainly depends on individual factors such as body constitution, post-operative care, and the condition of the gums.

Usually, swelling subsides after 5 – 7 days. After 7 – 10 days, the wound heals, and the patient can resume normal eating habits. Complete recovery usually takes 3 – 6 months.

Specifically, patients undergoing gum contouring for gummy smiles may take about 1 week to recover. For patients with dental issues involving bone interventions, it may take about 10 – 14 days.

laser gingivectomy
The healing time after gum contouring also depends significantly on the professional expertise and experience of the performing surgeon.

11. Oral Care After Gum Contouring

Below are some tips from Elite Dental’s doctors for patients to maintain a healthy and beautiful smile after surgery.

Wound Care:

  • Gently use medical gauze to clean the surgical area daily.
  • Avoid using a hard toothbrush to brush the teeth at the surgical site as it may cause gum injury and affect the healing stitches.
  • On the second day after surgery, rinse the mouth gently once bleeding has completely stopped.
  • Use diluted saline solution to avoid stimulating bleeding in the surgical area and affecting the healing process.
  • Take prescribed antibiotics to prevent inflammation and swelling for 5-7 days as directed by the doctor.
  • Attend follow-up appointments as scheduled to monitor the wound.

Diet Recommendations:

  • Foods to Eat: Easily chewable and swallowable foods (such as porridge, soup, cereals, yogurt…), incorporate fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals to boost the immune system and promote rapid wound healing.
  • Foods to Avoid: Avoid hard, tough, or sharp foods, excessively hot or cold foods; also avoid stimulants such as tobacco, alcohol, and coffee.

With the information provided, you should now have a better understanding of the gum contouring procedure and have answers to the question of whether gum contouring is painful at the beginning of the article. If you have any further questions, please contact Elite Dental HERE for detailed consultation.

Read more:
> Is a general dental check-up essential?
> Six Oral Hygiene Mistakes to keep in mind

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