Dental clinic for wisdom tooth extraction in Ho Chi Minh City

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Vo The Dzu
Dental Surgeon

Where is a good place to have wisdom teeth removed is a question that many people are interested in today. Wisdom teeth (also known as tooth number 8) grow between 18 and 20 years old. However, there are cases where wisdom teeth grow at 14-15 years old, causing pain and discomfort. Not to mention teeth growing underground in the gums, causing inflammation, bleeding, and bad breath. At the same time, it affects the trachea and respiratory tract, making the patient unable to eat and chew, reducing quality of life.

Therefore, minor surgery to remove wisdom teeth is a necessary procedure and to find a reputable location for wisdom tooth extraction in Ho Chi Minh City, patients should refer to the information in the article below.

1. Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth when they are not causing pain?

Wisdom teeth are the last molars to grow in each of the upper and lower jaws. Because it appears later, the tooth cannot grow normally like other teeth. Instead, wisdom teeth can grow crookedly and push against the adjacent 7th molar, leading to pain and swelling. In cases where wisdom teeth grow underground or grow impacted without feeling pain, but have many potentially dangerous consequences such as gum swelling, food sticks to teeth, causing bad breath; tooth number 7 is pushed, decayed, or pushed in the jaw.

A typical example is the case of KA (12 years old) being treated at Elite Dental. KA has the problem of wisdom tooth germ developing early but molar number 7 has not fully grown. This leads to a situation where the wisdom tooth germ pushes tooth number 7 out of position and becomes stuck in tooth number 6, causing crowding in the rear tooth area and a very high risk of tooth decay. In addition, the stuck condition prevents tooth number 7 from growing normally, and also seriously affects chewing function.

removal of wisdom teeth near me
Wisdom tooth germs develop early, but molar number 7 has not yet fully grown.

In another case, when wisdom teeth grow straight and complete in the upper jaw, but the corresponding lower jaw position does not have wisdom teeth because they have not yet grown, have not grown, or have been extracted, so there is an empty space in that position. From here, this causes bite imbalance, causing damage to the gums and opposite jaw. In the long term, the wisdom tooth in the upper jaw can protrude downward, leading to tooth root instability.

Thus, even though there is no pain when having wisdom teeth, the patient must go to the doctor early to have the tooth extracted promptly to avoid serious complications later.

View  more: Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction risky? 9 possible complications should be considered

2. Criteria for choosing a reputable location for wisdom tooth extraction

Wisdom teeth often grow at awkward angles, in difficult positions, and involve many important nerves behind, so wisdom tooth removal requires meticulous care to avoid complications and minimize pain and swelling after spitting. Therefore, to minimize pain and enjoy the feeling of safe and gentle wisdom tooth extraction experience, it is important to research carefully and choose a good dental clinic based on the following criteria:

2.1. Team of doctors

The criteria of a doctor with high expertise and experience is the leading factor in determining the success or failure of a wisdom tooth extraction. Not only that, with skillful techniques, doctors can handle complicated wisdom tooth extraction cases and well control complications during surgery.

2.2. Facility and equipment

Today, with the development of science and technology, there are many machines and equipment to support treatment to help reduce trauma and speed up the healing process such as Piezotome machines, PRP platelet-rich plasma technology, and laser machines… brings a smooth, comfortable experience for patients.

2.3. Compassionate service

Wisdom tooth extraction is a minor surgery, so it is also necessary to pay attention before and after  the procedure. The customer service team or doctor needs to give clear advice and dedicated instructions to customers on how to take care of their teeth and take care of the swelling after minor surgery so that patients can understand and follow those instructions to care for their wounds at home.

View more: Does Wisdom Tooth Extraction hurt? Pain-free techniques you should know

3. Where should wisdom teeth be extracted? A reputable dental clinic for wisdom tooth extraction in Ho Chi Minh

As a specialized dental center, Elite Dental has its own minor surgery department with the treatment philosophy of “using technique rather than force”, and has performed thousands of successful and gentle wisdom tooth extractions.

3.1. A team of highly specialized doctors

The team of Minor Surgery Specialists at Elite Dental consists of top experienced doctors with extensive training in oral surgery. They are particularly beloved by many patients because the operation is quick and gentle, thus reducing shock and minimizing swelling and pain after surgery. This approach makes the wisdom tooth extraction process no longer as scary as imagined.

Doctor Vo The Dzu
Master, Doctor Vo The Dzu
Doctor Tran Ngoc Nhu Y
Doctor Nhu Y

3.2. State-of-the-art and modern equipment system

Elite Dental not only houses experts but also also a place that is very interested in investing in equipment for minor wisdom tooth extraction surgery such as:

wisdom teeth extraction near me

dentist wisdom teeth removal
The film camera helps accurately survey the condition of teeth.
The piezotome helps reduce trauma during surgery.
PRP platelet-rich plasma technology helps speed up the recovery of damaged tissues.

3.3. Price list for wisdom tooth extraction at Elite Dental

The cost of wisdom tooth extraction (tooth number 8) at Elite Dental usually ranges from 1.000.000 – 6.000.000 VND/tooth depending on the condition of the wisdom tooth. If combined with PRP technology, the fee will be 1.000.000 VND/tooth.

3.4. Compassionate service, dedicated to patients

The medical team and consultants are always eager to guide patients on how to care for and maintain oral hygiene after wisdom tooth extraction. In addition, we will always reassure the patient, assist the patient in applying hot and cold ice to reduce swelling after extraction, and advise the patient on appropriate diet and lifestyle.

9 experiences of wisdom tooth extraction that not everyone knows

Wisdom tooth extraction is a solution to help you end pain, difficulty eating, and prevent many dangerous complications when teeth grow misaligned. However, before performing this dental procedure, you should refer to some useful wisdom tooth extraction experiences to ensure a safe and comfortable experience. Let's find out right below!…

With all the information above, hopefully, you have an answer to the question of where is the best place to get wisdom teeth removed.  If you are experiencing discomfort with your tooth number 8 or facing any issues with your wisdom teeth, do not hesitate to contact Elite Dental for treatment as soon as possible.

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