Does Wisdom Tooth Extraction hurt? Pain-free extraction methods

Dr. Tran Ngoc Nhu Y
Expert Article Consultation Doctor Tran Ngoc Nhu Y
Minor Oral Dentist

Does wisdom tooth extraction hurt? And if it does, how long does the pain last? This is a common concern for many customers when they come to Elite Dental. But at Elite, wisdom tooth extraction is completely painless. Can you believe it? Let’s learn more about this “miraculous” technique in the article below!

1. Does wisdom tooth extraction cause severe pain?

Wisdom tooth surgery (tooth number 8) is a complex dental procedure because the wisdom tooth is often trapped in the jaw and grows in difficult positions. Therefore, cases of impacted wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth with decay cannot avoid the possibility of trauma, resulting in swelling and pain. Rest assured that these symptoms are completely normal.

The amount of pain experienced during wisdom tooth extraction depends on several factors:

  • The treatment method and procedure used.
  • The expertise and practical experience of the dentist.
  • The support of scientific technology and modern equipment.
  • Each person’s pain threshold (due to genetic differences and individual body experiences).

2. How long does the pain last after wisdom tooth extraction?

Before extracting impacted or generally wisdom teeth, the dentist will administer local anesthesia. After 1-1.5 hours, when the anesthesia wears off, you may feel slight soreness at the extraction site.

On average, the discomfort and soreness from wisdom tooth extraction will gradually decrease over a period of 2-3 days. During this time, depending on your condition, the dentist may prescribe appropriate pain medication for you.

is wisdom tooth extraction painful
Is removing impacted wisdom teeth painful? There will be pain but gradually subsides after 48 hours.

3. Does wisdom tooth extraction affect overall health?

Does wisdom tooth extraction affect nerves?

In reality, besides the fear of pain, some people are concerned about whether wisdom tooth extraction affects nerves. This concern is not entirely unreasonable since a significant number of important nerves are concentrated deep at the root of the wisdom tooth.

However, wisdom tooth surgery does not have a negative impact on overall health or adjacent nerve fibers if the dentist follows the correct procedure. Any tooth extraction recommendation is carefully evaluated based on clinical data such as X-ray images, the patient’s health condition, the necessity of extracting the tooth regarding the entire dental arch, and overall health. If everything is normal, then the tooth extraction procedure can be performed.

Why does wisdom tooth extraction cause temporal pain?

If a few days after wisdom tooth extraction, some patients experience symptoms such as headaches, pain in the temporal region, and dizziness, it could be due to reasons such as patient fatigue, eating less or avoiding food, leading to nutritional deficiencies. In such cases, it is advisable for the patient to contact their treating dentist for additional advice on addressing the current issue.

Why does wisdom tooth extraction cause a sore throat?

Wisdom tooth extraction can affect the throat if the dentist does not follow the correct technique. Specifically, if the surgical site is not properly cleaned, oral bacteria can spread, leading to infection and creating conditions for bacteria that cause a sore throat.

Therefore, it is crucial to choose a reputable dental clinic where dentists adhere to standardized procedures and modern extraction methods to ensure a painless experience and minimize postoperative complications.

Read more: Is wisdom tooth extraction dangerous?

4. Painless wisdom tooth extraction method

Currently, Elite Dental utilizes local anesthesia or conscious sedation for wisdom tooth extraction. The advantage of this method is that it helps patients feel comfortable, have a positive mindset, and cooperate with the dentist, facilitating a smooth and quick surgical process. Specifically, Elite Dental has implemented a dental technology system that includes the use of The STA Single Tooth Anesthesia®, a device that provides painless anesthesia.

is it painful to remove wisdom teeth
Genuine painless anesthesia technology from America.

The device generates gentle vibrations around the injection site and travels up to the brain, preventing the brain from perceiving the injection signals. Moreover, these vibrations also help disperse the sedative medication after injection, allowing the anesthesia to take effect more quickly and providing immediate pain relief.

is pulling wisdom teeth painful
The STA machine creates vibrations that eliminate pain during anesthesia.


The new painless anesthesia technology at Elite Dental has eliminated the fear of needles for patients, and the entire process of wisdom tooth extraction will be painless starting from the initial anesthesia step. Customers can mentally prepare themselves in the utmost comfort for their wisdom tooth surgery at Elite.

What sets the stage for a gentle and safe surgical process is the team of top-notch dentists who have received comprehensive training in oral surgery and have years of practical experience at reputable institutions like the Maxillofacial Hospital. The expert team at Elite Dental adheres to the treatment philosophy of “using technique over force.” Therefore, the dentists know how to minimize trauma during the extraction process and complete the surgical procedure quickly, ensuring quality and safety for the patients.

is taking out wisdom teeth painful
Doctor Vo The Dzu
removing wisdom teeth is painful
Doctor Tran Ngoc Nhu Y

During the surgery, the support of piezosurgery technology – Piezotome, which applies ultrasonic waves, helps reduce trauma, decrease swelling and pain, and minimize the risk of nerve damage. Additionally, the technology of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) accelerates the healing of damaged tissues, reduces swelling and pain, and speeds up recovery after surgery.

how painful is it to remove wisdom teeth
The piezotome helps reduce trauma during surgery.
is wisdom teeth surgery painful
PRP platelet-rich plasma technology helps speed up the recovery of damaged tissues.

5. Cost of wisdom tooth extraction at Elite Dental

The cost of wisdom tooth extraction (tooth number 8) at Elite Dental typically ranges from 1,000,000 to 6,000,000 VND per tooth, depending on the condition of the erupted wisdom tooth. If the PRP (platelet-rich plasma) technology is combined, there will be an additional fee of 1,000,000 VND per session.

6. Customer reviews on wisdom tooth extraction at Elite Dental

is it painful getting wisdom teeth removed
Mr. Khoa shares his experience of painless wisdom tooth extraction at Elite Dental.

Q, a brave girl who had all four wisdom teeth extracted at once, said with a bright smile: “I had all four teeth removed at once, and it wasn’t painful or tiring at all. The experienced dentist skillfully and gently extracted each tooth, so the extraction time was less than an hour, and there was minimal trauma, reducing swelling and pain significantly.”

View more: Wisdom Tooth Extraction: 9 experiences that are rarely discussed
is it painful to have wisdom teeth removed
Brave girl had all 4 wisdom teeth removed at once to celebrate Tet.

Thien Trang (28 years old) shared: “After having my tooth extracted at Elite Dental, I didn’t experience any pain or complications like many people had mentioned. My wisdom tooth was also a difficult one, but the dentist completed the procedure in about 10-15 minutes.”

does it hurt to remove wisdom teeth

It only took T.Tr 12 minutes to say goodbye to tooth number 8 at Elite with Dr. Vo The Dzu – a doctor specializing in minor dental surgery.

Khải Anh (11 years old) confided: “When I went for an X-ray before getting braces, the dentist discovered that I had early growth of wisdom tooth buds that needed to be extracted to avoid interfering with the proper positioning of my teeth. I thought it would be very painful, but the experience was completely comfortable and pleasant because the Elite dentist worked quickly and always had a cheerful demeanor throughout the extraction process, so I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort at all.”

7. Advice from Elite Dental’s dentist to alleviate pain after wisdom tooth extraction

Below are a few pain-free post-wisdom tooth extraction care tips: Bite down on cotton gauze:

Bite down on cotton gauze: Patients should bite down firmly on a cotton role for the first 30 minutes not only to prevent bleeding but also to provide relief from discomfort.

  • Apply a cold compress: Use a specialized cold pack or wrap a clean cloth or thin fabric around an ice pack and apply it to the affected area. Keep the compress on for about 15-20 minutes. The cold temperature will help temporarily numb the area and alleviate throbbing pain.
  • Use medication: After the tooth extraction, it is recommended to take pain medication as prescribed by the dentist. Depending on your condition, the dentist may prescribe appropriate pain relievers. It is important not to purchase and use medication arbitrarily.
  • Maintain proper oral hygiene: After 24 hours, patients can brush their teeth but should do so gently, avoiding excessive force and minimizing contact with the surgical site. It is best to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and rinse with mouthwash to clean food debris stuck between the teeth. Refer to the detailed instructions for more information.
  • Follow a proper diet: To ensure a pain-free recovery period, patients should consume soft and easily swallowable foods (such as porridge and soup) and avoid hard foods or stimulating substances (such as spicy, extremely hot or cold, and acidic foods, as well as alcohol). Refer to the detailed instructions for more information.
View more: Post-Wisdom Teeth Removal: What you should and shouldn't eat

By following the dentist’s instructions, there is no need to worry about experiencing pain during or after wisdom tooth extraction. Contact Elite Dental to experience a safe and painless journey of wisdom tooth extraction!

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