Is Wisdom Tooth Extraction dangerous? Here are 9 possible complications

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Vo The Dzu
Dental Surgeon

Many people worry about whether wisdom tooth extraction is dangerous. In reality, wisdom tooth extraction is safe and poses no health risks if performed correctly by skilled dentists with the support of modern equipment. Conversely, if these criteria are not met, wisdom tooth extraction can be quite dangerous and may lead to the following complications.

1. Prolonged bleeding

Many people wonder if extracting the eighth tooth is dangerous. If bleeding continues for about 30-60 minutes or up to 1-2 hours after wisdom tooth extraction, it is considered normal. However, if the bleeding persists and does not stop, it can potentially lead to blood infection and other serious complications.

The condition of continuous bleeding after wisdom tooth extraction can be caused by several factors, such as:

  • The extraction process may have severed a major blood vessel, causing bleeding from small blood vessels in the mucous membrane or the bone socket.
  • During the wisdom tooth extraction, the dentist may have left behind tissue remnants from the tooth’s root.
  • The extraction was performed while the area was already inflamed or infected, leading to altered blood vessels.
  • The extraction procedure may have caused damage to the surrounding tissues.

2. Infection

The process of removing wisdom teeth unavoidably involves manipulation of the gum tissue and jawbone, which can cause swelling and discomfort. However, this condition can progress abnormally, leading to infection with signs such as persistent pain, throbbing in the jaw or throat area, swollen gums, the presence of pus or bloody discharge, changes in tooth color, and fever.

Patients may experience post-wisdom tooth extraction infection due to the following reasons:

  • The tooth was deeply positioned, creating more open wounds in the gums, and providing a favorable environment for bacterial growth.
  • Inadequate oral hygiene practices following the extraction, not following the dentist’s instructions.
  • Improper technique used by the dentist during the extraction procedure.
  • Insufficient sterilization of the extraction instruments leads to contaminated wounds.
  • Smoking or using tobacco products after wisdom tooth extraction causes an increased risk of infection.
risk of wisdom teeth removal
Wisdom tooth extraction can cause infection with symptoms such as sharp pain, swollen gums, bloody pus, change in tooth color, fever, etc.
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3. Facial swelling

Facial swelling is one of the complications that can occur after the extraction of the eighth tooth and can have a negative impact on oral health. Particularly concerning are cases where the swelling does not subside over several days, accompanied by prolonged pain, the presence of pus at the surgical site, and bad breath. The main causes of this condition include:

  • The process of extracting wisdom teeth can affect the nerves, leading to gum tissue damage and subsequent swelling.
  • Improper technique and failure to meet medical standards during the extraction, resulting in the retention of tooth fragments.
  • Inadequate wound management, leads to infection, prolonged pain, and facial swelling.
  • Improper post-operative wound care as instructed by the dentist, resulting in inflammation, infection, and severe swelling.

4. Damage to related nerve structures

Does wisdom tooth extraction affect nerves? The positioning and shape of wisdom teeth differ significantly from regular teeth, making the extraction process more challenging. However, if the dentist performs the procedure correctly, it generally only has a mild impact on the nerves, primarily in cases where the tooth is located close to the trigeminal nerve in the upper or lower jaw or the optic nerve. Symptoms such as numbness in the tongue, cheeks, lips, or chin may resolve within a few days.

However, in some cases where the dentist lacks experience and expertise, the extraction of wisdom teeth can potentially impact the nerves located beneath the teeth, leading to prolonged pain. In severe cases, it can result in infection, damage to the jawbone, and gum tissue.

is wisdom teeth removal dangerous
The nerve around the wisdom tooth is seriously damaged in cases where the doctor performing the treatment does not meet the standards of qualifications and experience.

5. Impact on the seventh tooth

With its proximity to the wisdom tooth, many people believe that the seventh tooth can be affected if the wisdom tooth has issues and needs to be extracted. However, if the wisdom tooth extraction is performed correctly, it does not have any impact on the seventh tooth and can even protect it from complications caused by the wisdom tooth.

Nevertheless, complications can arise if the dentist applies excessive force or uses aggressive techniques during the extraction, leading to damage to the seventh tooth. Additionally, some individuals mistakenly attribute their pain and discomfort to the extraction of the wisdom tooth, when in reality, the seventh tooth may have already been damaged before the procedure (possibly due to the wisdom tooth growing in an abnormal direction and directly impacting it).

6. Maxillary Sinus Perforation

Many patients are concerned about the potential dangers of extracting an upper wisdom tooth. In reality, there is a potential complication known as maxillary sinus perforation. The upper jaw’s sinus cavity is structurally hollow and located in close proximity to the sixth, seventh, and eighth teeth. In cases of maxillary sinus perforation, patients may experience symptoms such as high fever, fatigue, and headaches, along with prolonged and radiating pain in the upper jaw, eyes, and forehead.

If the perforation is small, measuring less than 5mm, the chances of successful healing are relatively high (except in cases where the patient had pre-existing sinusitis). However, if the dentist fails to meet the required technical standards during the wisdom tooth extraction procedure, it can result in a perforation of the maxillary sinus.

is it dangerous to remove wisdom teeth
The process of removing wisdom teeth incorrectly can lead to complications of perforation of the maxillary sinus.

7. Mandibular Fracture

When it comes to the question of whether extracting a lower wisdom tooth is dangerous, one cannot overlook the complication of mandibular fracture. This condition primarily occurs when the dentist applies excessive force during the extraction, causing the lower jawbone to fracture. In such cases, patients may experience symptoms such as swelling, prolonged pain, and bleeding at the site of the wisdom tooth extraction.

8. Anaphylactic Shock

Anaphylactic shock, a severe and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction, can occur in many cases of wisdom tooth extraction. However, if patients choose a reputable dental clinic and undergo the procedure with strict adherence to proper protocols and medical standards, the occurrence of this condition is extremely rare.

9. Local Anesthetic Toxicity

Finally, another complication of wisdom tooth extraction is local anesthetic toxicity. While local anesthetics commonly used in medical procedures are generally safe, they require precise dosing and application methods. If the concentration of the anesthetic in the blood exceeds the safe limit, it can lead to local anesthetic toxicity. Patients may experience symptoms such as full-body seizures, difficulty breathing, and generalized cyanosis (bluish discoloration of the skin).

How to prevent complications after wisdom tooth extraction?

To avoid complications during wisdom tooth extraction, patients should take note of the following:

  • Follow the dentist’s instructions for post-operative dental care, such as limiting jaw movement and avoiding touching the surgical site. Additionally, perform cold and hot compresses as directed by the dentist. Also, apply cold and warm compresses as advised by the dentist. Additionally, ensure proper rest (avoid vigorous activity for the first two days) and eat appropriately (avoid foods that are too hot, hard, or chewy).
  • Contact the dentist immediately if any abnormal symptoms occur, such as continuous pain or throbbing within 24 hours, trembling, discomfort, or fainting.
  • Choose a reputable dental clinic with a competent and experienced team of dentists who utilize modern equipment for the extraction procedure. This ensures a gentle, comfortable, safe, and minimally complication-prone process of wisdom tooth extraction.

Currently, Elite Dental is a specialized dental center that has gained the trust of many customers due to its professional expertise and experience in handling wisdom teeth. In particular, Elite has its own specialty in wisdom tooth surgery with the treatment philosophy of “using technique over force.” They have successfully performed thousands of gentle and successful wisdom tooth extractions.

Customers who come to Elite Dental can completely trust in receiving treatment from a team of extensively trained oral surgeons who perform procedures quickly and skillfully. As a result, the tooth extraction process is smooth, minimizing post-operative swelling and pain.

More information: What is the Cost of Wisdom Tooth Extraction? Prices for 2024

Moreover, Elite Dental possesses modern equipment such as precise dental imaging machines to accurately assess the condition of the teeth, and piezotome machines to reduce trauma during surgery. They also utilize platelet-rich plasma (PRP) technology, which accelerates the recovery of damaged tissues, reduces swelling and pain, and promotes rapid healing.

complications after wisdom teeth extraction
Elite Dental applies PRP platelet-rich plasma technology to help the recovery process of damaged tissues take place quickly.

Combining these advantages, Elite Dental helps customers dispel their worries about wisdom tooth surgery, ensuring optimal treatment results along with a comfortable and pleasant experience. Testimonials from some customers who visited Elite Dental share their real-life experiences with wisdom tooth extraction:

Khải Anh, an 11-year-old friend, shared: “When I went for an X-ray to prepare for braces, the dentist discovered that I had early-growing wisdom teeth that needed to be extracted because they could hinder the proper growth of my teeth. I thought it would be very painful, but the experience was completely comfortable and pleasant because the Elite dentist performed the procedure quickly and always smiled and joked throughout the extraction, so I didn’t feel any pain or discomfort at all.”

Thiên Trang, a 28-year-old friend, only took 12 minutes to bid farewell to tooth number 8. Satisfied, she said: “After having my tooth extracted at Elite Dental, I didn’t experience any pain or complications like many people have mentioned. My wisdom tooth was also a difficult one, but the dentist completed the procedure in about 10 to 15 minutes.”

Read more: What to eat and avoid after Wisdom Tooth Removal
how dangerous is wisdom teeth removal
Thien Trang (28 years old) shares her experience of gently and quickly removing wisdom teeth at Elite Dental.

Brave customer “Q” had all four wisdom teeth extracted at the same time and happily expressed: “I had all four teeth extracted at once without any pain or fatigue. The experienced dentist smoothly and gently removed each tooth, so the extraction time was less than an hour, and it greatly reduced swelling and pain.”

If you are facing issues with your wisdom teeth, don’t hesitate to contact Elite Dental and schedule an appointment HERE to receive consultation and treatment from the leading experts at Elite Dental!

Regarding concerns about the dangers of wisdom tooth extraction, the answer is that it is not dangerous when performed by skilled and experienced dentists who handle the procedure with finesse. Therefore, to ensure a safe and gentle farewell to your tooth number 8, choose a reliable dental clinic like Elite Dental!

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