How much does it cost to make full dentures? Latest updates

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Tran Hung Lam
Professional Director of Elite Dental

Currently, there are many methods to restore missing teeth with different results. To better understand each type as well as the cost of making full dentures, the following article will provide you with detailed information.

Full-mouth tooth loss is common in the elderly, as teeth become weaker and weaker as they age and gradually fall out. Or due to some dental diseases (tooth decay, periodontitis…) becoming severe and causing many teeth to be lost; or strong impacts due to collisions or accidents cause teeth to break and fall out. This directly affects chewing function and facial aesthetics. The longer the condition goes untreated, the patient’s physical and mental health will weaken significantly. Therefore, many people want to have full-mouth dental implants but are still hesitant about how much it costs and which type to choose.

1. What are the popular methods of implanting full molars?

There are 3 main methods to restore missing teeth with different advantages and disadvantages:

1.1. Removable denture

This is a traditional solution with dentures attached to the jaw base designed to look like gums. The advantage of this technique is fast treatment time and low cost. However, removable dentures are very loose, and recovery of chewing function is not high (only about 40%). Over time, the jaw base causes bone loss to occur faster, causing many difficulties in eating, communicating, and living for patients. Jaw bone loss also affects facial aesthetics, patients will have toothless teeth and look aging before their real age.

View more: Are Fixed Dentures a good option? What’s the cost?
complete denture
Removable dentures have an economical cost, but are not rated well in terms of durability, limited chewing ability…

1.2. Denture over implant

This is a method of connecting removable dentures with implants using buckles. Thanks to implant support, the jaw is stronger and the ability to chew is restored better. The advantage of this solution is that it is easy to disassemble and clean and is often suitable for patients with a lot of bone loss or the very old. The disadvantage of overdentures is that the clasp must be changed frequently and reduces the patient’s appetite.

View more: Multiple-Tooth Implants: What you need to know

1.3. All-on-X Dental Implant

All-on-X is a method of implanting 4-6 implants in a favorable direction into the jawbone, then attaching 12-14 fixed dental restorations on top to restore the patient’s lost teeth. This is a treatment with a relatively high cost, but in return has many advantages such as: the final smile aesthetic is very natural, the ability to eat and chew is restored to more than 90%, avoiding complicated surgeries. such as sinus lift, bone graft. In particular, thanks to digital applications in treatment, Elite Dental can create temporary teeth immediately to help patients confidently integrate into life while waiting for the implant to be biologically compatible with the body.

There are two popular full-mouth implant options: All-On-4 and All-On-6.

  • All-On-4 Dental Implant: A solution to insert 4 implants in 1 jaw, often applied in cases of lower molar tooth loss.
  • All-On-6 Dental Implant: Solution for placing 6 implants on the jaw, suitable for people with weak jaw bones.
View more: Full-Arch Dental Implant: The optimal solution for restoring all missing teeth
cost of full mouth denture implants
All-on-X full-mouth implants help restore a comprehensive “third set of teeth” for patients.

2. Latest price list for making full dentures today

Below is the latest update on full denture implant prices for your reference:

2.1. Cost of making removable full dentures

Restoring missing full teeth with removable dentures costs around 10,000,000 VND, depending on the type of jaw and number of teeth needing restoration. (See details)

2.2. How much does it cost to plant full teeth with Implant?

The cost of a full-mouth dental implant will depend mainly on the type of implant as well as the implant technique you choose. At Elite Dental, the price for making full dentures with All-On-X Implant ranges from 170,000,000 – 325,000,000 VND. Specifically:

Implant All on 4Megagen Implant (Korea)170,000,000 VND
Implant Hahn (USA)

Implant Anthogyr (France)

Neodent Implant (Switzerland)

190,000,000 VND
Implant Straumann (Switzerland)210,000,000 VND
Implant All on 6Megagen Implant (Korea)215,000,000 VND
Implant Hahn (USA)

Implant Anthogyr (France)

Neodent Implant (Switzerland)

235,000,000 VND
Implant Straumann (Switzerland)265,000,000 VND
Implant All on 8Megagen Implant (Korea)265,000,000 VND
Implant Hahn (USA)

Implant Anthogyr (France)

Neodent Implant (Switzerland)

300,000,000 VND
Implant Straumann (Switzerland)325,000,000 VND
(*) The cost of Implant All on 4/6/8 includes the cost of Implant placement surgery, final restoration on the Implant (Cad/Cam metal ribs and porcelain teeth).

For the Implant overdenture method, the cost will depend on the number of Implants that need to be implanted and the type of clasp chosen. Customers should contact the dentist for detailed advice.

3. What factors affect the price of dental implants?

With experience in restoring missing teeth in thousands of cases, Dr. Elite found that the price difference for full dentures is due to the following factors:

3.1. Patient’s oral condition

For each different condition, there will be a corresponding treatment plan. Patients should contact the dental center directly for specific advice.

3.2. Type of Implant selected

As mentioned in the price list above, with different types of Implants there will be fluctuations in cost.

3.3. Pricing policies of clinics

Each dental center will have different pricing policies. However, patients should not choose a clinic based on price criteria but should focus on the reputation of the dentistry and the expertise of the team of doctors to avoid “losing money”.

In general, from the above analysis, it can be seen that traditional dental implant methods such as removable dentures and Implant overdentures, although low in cost, have many limitations when implemented, causing inconvenience when chewing, and do not prevent bone loss… Therefore, today’s trend is that many people choose to restore missing teeth with implants, which not only helps overcome the above disadvantages but also ensures satisfactory and sustainable dental restoration results.

4. Where should full-mouth dental implants be placed?

At Elite Dental, many aunts and uncles have regained their smiles, health and youth after getting full-mouth dental implants. Not only providing full jaw implant services of international standard quality, Elite is now also proud to offer the ultimate immediate restoration solution on full jaw implants.

This is considered an outstanding step forward in modern dentistry, helping Ms. Chu, who lost her entire jaw, have a complete new set of teeth in just about 10 days to 2 weeks. Thereby, you will soon have teeth so you can eat and drink comfortably, as well as save money and time because you do not need to make temporary teeth or go back to the dentist for final restoration.

View more: Dental Implants Procedure: Every step you need to know
full mouth dental implants
Immediate restoration ultimately shortens the time to implant a full jaw, allowing you to get a new set of teeth in one step.

To do this, Elite possesses the following advantages:

  • Applying 100% digital technology to the Implant process, especially full-mouth implants: In order to bring customers a gentle, quick and comprehensive experience of restoring lost teeth, Elite is fully equipped with machines. Modern equipment such as 3-dimensional Cone Beam CT (CBCT) X-ray machine, surgical guide to support precise implant placement, PIC System (Precise Implant Captures) to help quickly take tooth impressions…
  • Experienced doctors, proficient in digital applications: Elite team of doctors have more than 15 years of experience in implant surgery, building appropriate treatment plans for each customer and manipulating digital applications precisely and skillfully. Thereby ensuring the maximum shortening of treatment time, giving long-term sustainable results.
  • Clear costs, with installment payment support: To help customers easily access specialized implant services, Elite Dental designs reasonable prices and many attractive incentives. In particular, customers are more financially proactive because they are supported with 0% interest installment payments and can pay for each treatment, not required to pay in one lump sum.
whole mouth implants
By placing full dental implants at Elite Dental, customers can be assured of long-term healthy and beautiful results – at a reasonable cost.

The above advantages have helped Elite Dental achieve a success rate when restoring full-mouth tooth loss of up to 99.8% (data certified by Straumann – the world’s leading Implant Group) and received many reviews. Positive from customers:

“I am satisfied with Elite’s service, the doctor consulted very enthusiastically about my case, helping me keep my natural teeth as much as possible” – Ms. T.B shared her experience after coming to Elite for dental implants.

“Quality service, attentive and enthusiastic team of doctors and staff” – Ms. P.A.X shared about Elite Dental.

“Dental service is attentive, the doctor is thoughtful and gentle, helping me have the most comfortable dental experience ever” – Ms. T.U said about the examination process at Elite.

The above information is a detailed answer to the question of how much it costs to make full dentures from many customers. In addition to considering costs, you should consider appropriate dental restoration methods and choose a reputable dental clinic. These are the deciding factors in the success rate and long-term effectiveness so that patients can overcome the situation of complete tooth loss and improve their quality of life.

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