How much does it cost to replace a front tooth? Which method is best?

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Tran Hung Lam
Professional Director of Elite Dental

The front teeth belong to the cosmetic area of the face, so when the front teeth are lost, it will affect the appearance, confidence and quality of life of the patient. At the same time, if the treatment is prolonged for a long time, it will also cause the jawbone area to be depleted, making it difficult to recover later. Therefore, patients should have their front teeth implanted as soon as possible. So how much does it cost to implant front teeth and which method should be the best to choose?

1. How much does it cost to replace a front tooth?

With the development of modern dentistry, today there are many ways to restore front teeth. The price of planting 1 front tooth also depends on the method of making teeth, which is different.

View more: Single-Tooth Implant: Essential information you need to know

1.1. Implantation of removable dentures

Removable dentures consist of a jaw frame that mimics real gums and dentures made of porcelain or plastic, which are inserted directly onto the patient’s gums to fill in the missing position in the jaw.

Removable dentures are usually made of plastic, so they are easy to recognize and have low durability, so it is necessary to consider when choosing this method to restore lost front teeth.

denture for front teeth
Removable jaws are not very aesthetic, so patients should consider when treating the front teeth area.

Currently, the cost of implanting removable front teeth depends on the customer’s need for one or more teeth to be restored.

  • If a tooth is restorated, specifically a plastic tooth, the cost of implanting removable front teeth is about 500,000 VND/tooth.
  • If you have multiple teeth restorations, specifically American plastic teeth, the calculation formula includes: number of teeth x 1,500,000 VND/tooth + titanium frame (5,000,000 VND) or metal (3,500,000 VND).

1.2. Making porcelain dental bridges

Porcelain dental bridge is a technique to restore lost front teeth by grinding two teeth next to them to make a support pillar. Then take a dental bridge consisting of porcelain crowns wrapped on the base of the pillar teeth and dentures located in the middle, in order to replace the lost tooth.

The porcelain bridge method is often indicated for people who have lost teeth but do not want to wear removable dentures. Or in case the patient loses one or several teeth but still has real teeth on both sides, without conditions for dental implants.

front dental implants
A dental bridge is a type of fixed dental prosthesis that is fastened with cement and cannot be removed by the patient on his own.

Currently, the cost of making front teeth with porcelain bridges depends mainly on the number of teeth on the bridge as well as the material used to make the teeth.

Titanium Porcelain Crown3.000.000
UNC Porcelain Crown5.000.000 – 6.000.000
Zirconia Porcelain Crown8.000.000 – 10.000.000

1.3. Front dental implants

Dental implants are the most advanced method today, helping to restore lost front teeth by implanting the implant pillar into the jawbone and capturing the upper porcelain crown through the abutment joint.

The advantage of dental implants is that they are highly durable. Implants can replace the roots of real teeth, so there is no need to grind adjacent teeth like when making porcelain bridges, thereby preserving real teeth to the maximum. In addition, dental implants also bring natural aesthetics and have a long lifespan to help patients regain confidence and live happily.

View more: Multiple-Tooth Implants: Everything you need to know
partial dentures for front teeth
Implants have a role in replacing the roots of real teeth, helping to prevent bone loss effectively.

Currently, the cost of dental implants is calculated based on the following formula:

Front dental Implants price = Implant price + Abutment price + Porcelain tooth price + Cost of treatment services incurred (if any).

Below is the price list of Implant (including Abutment) and Porcelain Crown Rack:

Implant KoreaKorea5 years26.000.000 – 29.000.000
Implant HahnAmerica10 years35.000.000 – 38.000.000
Implant NeodentSwitzerland10 years35.000.000 – 38.000.000
Implant StraumannSwitzerland10 years40.000.000 – 43.000.000
UNC Porcelain Teeth5.000.000 – 6.000.000
Zirconia All Porcelain Teeth8.000.000 – 10.000.000

2. What is the best method for implanting front teeth?

Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. Therefore, in order to make the right decision, which method should be used to implant front teeth, ensuring the final effect of a comprehensive aesthetic smile, take a look at the following comparison table:

Method/CriteriaFront dental ImplantsMaking porcelain dental bridgesImplanting removable dentures
AestheticsDental implants bring natural aesthetic results.Porcelain bridges only replace the crown of the teeth, do not interfere with the jawbone. Therefore, after a while, the location of tooth loss can be bone loss, leading to gum recession, exposing the root of the pillar tooth, which is very unaesthetic.The jaw frame is usually made of plastic, so it is not natural and easy to recognize. Some partially removable prostheses have metal hooks exposed, causing aesthetic loss.
Ability to chewThe Implant is implanted and integrated into the jawbone, so it is easy to stand on its own, with good chewing resistance. Patients can eat and chew comfortably, without worrying about falling or loosening.The porcelain material has good bearing strength, so the bridge meets the ability to chew effectively. However, after a period of use, the atrophied jawbone will cause loose bridges to affect the ability to chew.The rate of chewing rehabilitation is usually about 40% compared to real teeth. At the same time, it cannot withstand too strong a chewing force, so avoid eating foods that are too hard, chewy and flexible.
UsageDental implants exist independently and do not invade the adjacent teeth. Therefore, oral hygiene and care are easier than using dentures, bringing maximum convenience to patients.The real teeth used as pillars will be ground smaller, leading to the spur teeth that can become sensitive or affect the pulp later. Cleaning under the bridge needs to be thorough, if you don’t pay attention, it can cause bad breath and inflammation due to stagnant food.At first, the removable dentures fit close to the real tooth frame. But, after a period of use, the jaw will become elastic and loose, causing entanglement, discomfort and easy to fall during eating.
Implementation timeIf the jawbone density is stable, the implant treatment time will take about 6-12 weeks.

If multiple bone grafts are required, the treatment time can be up to more than 6 months for the jawbone to integrate with the body.

Helps restore lost teeth in just about 3-5 days.It takes about 2-3 days to have a new set of removable teeth.
DurabilityCan last a lifetime if taken care of well.On average, about 7-10 years, or when the main teeth show signs of weakening, the patient must replace the new porcelain bridge.It can only be used for 3-5 years, after which the user is forced to replace the new removable jaw frame.

From the above comparisons, it can be seen that implanting front teeth with removable jaws or porcelain bridges has a relatively fast treatment time and the cost is not too high. However, there are many disadvantages in terms of aesthetics and chewing function. At the same time, it has an invasive effect on other teeth on the jaw, which can cause a lot of inconvenience during use.

On the other hand, both of the above methods only restore the crown of the tooth, not replace the lost roots, so in the long run, it leads to bone loss. The faster the bone dissipates, the looser the removable jaw and shortens the service life of porcelain bridges and dentures.

Among all three methods above, front tooth implants are currently highly appreciated as the most optimal solution to restore lost teeth, not only restoring chewing function and aesthetics by more than 90%, but also preventing complete loss of teeth. total loss of jaw bone. Although the cost of dental implants is higher and the treatment time is long, the patient can use them for the rest of their lives with just one implant, ensuring comprehensive health and long-term aesthetics.

3. Safe and reputable address for front tooth implantation

Implant placement is a complex process that requires high precision. Depending on the condition of the teeth, the doctor sometimes needs to graft additional bone to increase volume, graft gum/soft tissue to ensure natural thickness, or combine it with other cosmetic treatments. Not to mention, the front teeth are located in the “front” position, forcing the replacement teeth to be similar to the real thing in shape, shine, and color to achieve harmony with the remaining teeth, bringing a beautiful, standard smile. shining. Therefore, choosing a reputable dental clinic is a prerequisite to help patients have a radiant, confident smile.

Currently, Elite Dental is known as a reliable dental implant address for many aunts, uncles/brothers and sisters because:

(1) Gathering a team of highly specialized doctors, with more than 10 years of practical experience in implant surgery, with doctorate degrees in France and Japan.

front false teeth
DDS, PHD Tran Hung Lam has more than 15 years of experience practicing implant placement and is a member of many international dental organizations.

(2) Fully equipped with modern machinery, such as CBCT film machine, laser machine, PRP technology to help heal wounds quickly and reduce pain and swelling and Piezotome machine to help reduce trauma. In particular, CAD/CAM technology helps set up implant surgery guides to limit invasiveness, reduce pain and swelling, and shorten treatment time for patients.

(3) Elite Dental has successfully performed thousands of successful implant procedures, bringing radiant smiles to patients.

false teeth front
In the case of Ms. C., who was hit directly by a golf ball, causing her to lose her front teeth and recede a lot, the doctor examined her in detail and prescribed a variety of solutions. After finishing treatment, she has a new, brighter smile that still retains its natural features.
Implant front teeth
With the condition of injured and damaged front teeth, including 2 dark teeth, 1 tooth that is almost different from Mr. H’s remaining teeth, Elite Dental has combined a variety of solutions including tooth extraction, bone grafting, implant placement and Gum grafting… helped Mr. H completely regain his steady smile, his face glowing with confidence.

4. Notes when implanting front teeth

In order for dentures to be highly sturdy, long-lasting and naturally beautiful like real teeth, you need to pay attention to a number of issues before and after dental implants. That is:

  • Keep a relaxed spirit and avoid excessive anxiety.
  • Do not eat or chew anything until the numbness goes away.
  • Take medicine as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Clean your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush and floss after meals to remove plaque.
  • Do not eat hot, spicy or chewy foods and limit foods with high sugar content such as carbonated drinks, cakes, candy,…
  • Regular check-ups as directed by your doctor. Elite Dental regularly calls to ask about customers’ health status, remind them of follow-up appointments, to closely monitor and ensure the best dental implant results.
View more: 4 crucial steps to maintain your Dental Implants

Through the above information, you have surely answered the question of how much to implant incisors and which method is best to choose. Dental implantation is a difficult technique, requiring doctors to have deep expertise, extensive experience combined with advanced machinery. Do not hesitate to contact Elite Dental via Hotline: 0902 559 888 for examination and advice on appropriate dental implant methods to help achieve optimal lost tooth restoration results while still saving time and costs.

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