What to do when losing front teeth, what is the best solution?

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Tran Hung Lam
Professional Director of Elite Dental

Due to their easy-to-see location, missing front teeth makes many people lack confidence when communicating. So what is the cause of front tooth loss and is there any optimal solution to fix it? The detailed information below will help you answer this question.

1. Some important functions of incisors

Incisors have 4 in the upper jaw and 4 in the lower jaw with a structure of 3 layers from inside to outside: pulp, dentin and enamel.

In terms of function, incisors are responsible for aesthetics, pronunciation, and chewing. Specifically as follows:

1.1 Aesthetic function

Incisors are located in an easily visible position when we communicate, smile, speak… Therefore, the shape and color of incisors greatly affect the beauty of the smile and the aesthetics of the entire face.

1.2 Pronunciation function

Front teeth greatly affect pronunciation. Because there is a correlation between teeth, lips and tongue to support clearer pronunciation.

1.3 Chewing function

The function of biting and crushing food is the task of the molar group. However, incisors also contribute to helping food be processed better to ensure digestion in the stomach and small intestine is easier and more effective.

> View more: What risks come with losing a tooth? Steps to take when a tooth is lost
Front teeth that are even, beautiful and aligned bring a confident, radiant smile to each person.
Front teeth that are even, beautiful and aligned bring a confident, radiant smile to each person.

2. What causes front tooth loss?

The main causes leading to loss of front teeth can include:

  • Advancing age leads to aging causing the front teeth to fall out. If you don’t take good care of it and fix it promptly, the surrounding teeth will loosen and gradually fall out.
  • Poor care increases the risk of dental diseases, such as periodontitis that leads to tooth loss.
  • Chewing food that is too hard causes major damage to the teeth, weakening them and gradually falling out.
  • Sudden incidents such as accidents or high-impact sports injuries cause broken front teeth.
  • Congenital lack of front teeth.
  • Weak tooth foundations lead to teeth being easily shaken by impacts that cause tooth loss.

3. What are the consequences of long-term loss of front teeth?

Loss of front teeth causes many consequences that affect the patient’s daily life and oral health:

3.1 Aesthetic influence

Losing front teeth makes patients feel shy, lack confidence, and affects their daily life.

3.2 Unclear pronunciation

People who lose front teeth often have difficulty pronouncing certain sounds or words that require the combination of front teeth and tongue, thereby easily forming the habit of speaking with a lisp.

3.3 Dislocation of other teeth

When the front teeth are lost, the remaining teeth will recede, protrude, and tilt into the missing tooth space, causing the bite to become distorted. 

3.4 In the long term, it causes tooth bone loss

Teeth lost over a period of time will cause the jawbone to erode and cause the lips to recede inward.

> View more: What are the consequences of jawbone resorption? How to address it?
Losing front teeth destroys facial aesthetics, making patients lose confidence.
Losing front teeth destroys facial aesthetics, making patients lose confidence.

4. What to do when you encounter a broken or fallen front tooth?

As soon as the patient loses their front teeth, they should immediately go to the dental clinic to have the doctor check the wound as well as the condition of the teeth. In case the gums are infected, the doctor will clean and treat them promptly to limit bone loss.

In addition, patients should also have their front teeth replanted as soon as possible to restore aesthetics, avoid jaw bone loss, and eliminate risks of dental and health diseases.

> View more: Is a front dental implant possible?

5. What is the best solution to implant front teeth?

Currently, there are 3 commonly used methods of restoring front teeth:

5.1. Implant removable dentures

This is a method of making dentures fixed to real teeth using metal hooks or plastic gum tissue. Thanks to that, patients can easily remove it for cleaning. But removable dentures are loose, easy to fall, become scratchy when eating and drinking, easily leading to atrophy, gaping or gingivitis.

> View more: Are fixed dentures a good option? What is the pricing?

5.2. Make porcelain dental bridges

For this method, the doctor will grind 2 real teeth next to the lost front teeth, then restore the bridge to all 3 teeth. Making a porcelain dental bridge can restore chewing ability by 60-80%. However, this method will destroy the health of real teeth and will not prevent bone loss.

5.3. Implant front teeth

This method has been proven to effectively overcome the loss of front teeth, improving the patient’s quality of life after treatment. For front tooth implants, the doctor will implant the implant post into the jawbone, then attach the porcelain tooth to the post to create a sturdy new tooth. This method restores teeth to look like real teeth, so the denture is eliminated and invasive, keeping the maximum amount of real teeth.

It can be seen that implants are the most optimal solution for people losing front teeth because:

  • Aesthetic results are higher than the other 2 methods. Dental Implants can restore the patient’s natural smile.
  • Prevents bone loss because the implant replaces the real tooth root, thereby stimulating the jawbone to develop stably.
  • Easy to clean like real teeth.
  • It almost only needs to be done once, there is no need to replace it because if properly cared for, dental implants can last forever.
> View more: Implants vs. Alternative Prostheses: A Detailed Comparison

6. Aesthetic restoration of front teeth at Elite Dental

Unlike molars, which do not require aesthetic factors, restoring incisors is much more difficult to ensure a radiant, confident smile. Choosing a specialized dental center with a team of good doctors are key factors to help patients achieve their desired results.

Over the years, Elite Dental has become a trusted choice for many customers restoring missing front teeth due to the following factors:

(1) The implantation process is designed according to international standards

The Implant process at Elite fully complies with international standards including the following steps: examination, imaging, blood tests, and health screening before surgery to ensure safety and optimal results for the patient core. The Implant surgery room is located on a separate, specialized floor, designed according to the closed model of standard operating rooms in the world to ensure sterility and convenience for patients.

(2) A team of doctors with deep expertise

As a specialized dental center, Elite Dental has a team of specialists in Implant, Prosthodontics and other separate departments. With the strength of in-depth development in each field, the Doctor has both accumulated extensive practical experience and profound professional knowledge. Doctors, thereby bringing optimal results to patients.

(3) Applying digital technology helps create temporary teeth immediately for patients

Understanding that front teeth are an aesthetic area that cannot be left empty, Elite Dental applies modern digital technology to help patients have temporary teeth within 24 hours, ensuring aesthetics so patients can confidently live and communicate. continue while waiting for the final fixed tooth restoration.

In addition, Elite is also fully equipped with modern machinery and equipment to provide a gentle, smooth, and positive treatment experience for patients.

Mr. Cuong’s sharing after getting dental implants at Elite Dental:

(4) Certified results

Hundreds of patients who lost their front teeth have regained their radiant smile after treatment at Elite. After many years, patients still comply with follow-up examinations and maintain long-term results.

The case of restoring injured, damaged bone marrow and bone loss with dental implants in the cosmetic area treated by Elite Dental doctor
The case of restoring injured, damaged bone marrow and bone loss with dental implants in the cosmetic area treated by Elite Dental doctor helped Mr. D.H (1988) completely regained a regular, bright, healthy smile. naturally as desired.

Hopefully the information provided above will be useful for those who lose their front teeth for timely treatment. For more detailed and in-depth advice with Elite’s team of doctors, do not hesitate to contact Elite Dental immediately!

Implant and Digital Restoration Center (District 3)

Address: 51A Tu Xuong, Vo Thi Sau Ward, District 3, HCM

Hotline: (+84) 28 7306 3838(+84) 902559888

Implant and Orthodontics Center (District 2)

Address: B0108 – Galleria – Metropole (Thu Thiem)

Hotline: (+84) 28 7306 3838(+84) 902536322

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