How long does it take to get dentures from start to finish?

Expert Article Consultation Doctor Tran Hung Lam
Professional Director of Elite Dental

When teeth are lost, dental implantation should be done as soon as possible because this will help limit bone loss, mouth distortion, etc. Because of the fear of long-term treatment, many customers wonder about tooth implantation. How long does it take to lose a tooth? Does it take a lot of time? This depends on many factors. Please continue to follow the article!

1. How long does it take to get dentures?

The recovery time for missing teeth depends greatly on the method and technique:

1.1. Removable dentures

Removable dentures are a method of using dentures to restore tooth function. Removable dentures have two parts: The jaw base is made of acrylic or titanium plastic, the teeth are made of plastic or porcelain. Removable dentures are quite cheap, simple to make, easy to disassemble, and meet basic chewing needs. However, this method does not prevent bone loss due to tooth loss, and the chewing force is also weaker than with real teeth.

How long do removable dentures take?

It takes the patient about 2-3 days. On the first day, the patient will have their dental condition checked, solutions advised and dental impressions taken. In the following days, the doctor will create a denture, install it in your mouth and adjust the size.

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Planting removable dentures does not take much time but the durability and bearing capacity are not high.

1.2. Dental bridges

A porcelain dental bridge helps restore one or more missing teeth. This method can help patients chew and chew almost like real teeth. Furthermore, the cost of making a porcelain dental bridge is also quite reasonable. However, to make a porcelain bridge, the two real teeth next to the lost tooth must be very strong and strong enough to be ground as pillars; At the same time, it also does not help prevent jaw bone loss due to tooth loss.

How long do dental bridges take?

This method takes about 2 – 4 days to perform, mainly the time the doctor takes to shape the tooth bridge. After the dental examination, if qualified to make a porcelain bridge, the doctor will grind two adjacent teeth and connect the porcelain bridge on top.

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Dental implants using porcelain bridges do not overcome bone loss and also affect neighboring healthy teeth.

1.3. Dental implants

Dental implants are the most advanced method in restoring lost teeth, helping to regain chewing ability and aesthetics similar to real teeth. When using the Implant method, patients will have their chewing ability restored to more than 90%, helping them eat and drink comfortably without worrying about dental problems. After a short time, the implant will be biologically compatible with the body. At this point, the patient can comfortably clean them like real teeth. At the same time, this is a method that can limit bone loss and prevent facial misalignment and mouth distortion.

How long does it take to grow teeth with the Implant method?

Implant placement time is divided into two stages: implant grafting and porcelain tooth restoration.

Normally, the implant placement time is quite fast, only taking about 20 – 30 minutes (in case there is no bone graft). However, if the patient has lost all teeth, the time to implant implants using the All-on-X/ProArch technique is about 120 minutes/jaw.

After implanting the implant into the jaw, the patient needs to wait about 6 – 14 weeks for the implant to be compatible. After this time, the doctor will attach the porcelain crown on the Implant and the patient’s tooth will be completely completed.

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Dental implants not only ensure chewing function, but also do not damage neighboring teeth and overcome jaw bone loss.

2. Factors affecting dentures time

Although dental implants are an advanced method with many outstanding advantages, in order to be compatible quickly and on schedule, patients need to pay attention to the following factors:

2.1 Oral health status and jaw bone quality

Before undergoing dental implants, the patient will have their oral health checked by a doctor. If the patient has dental problems, treatment must be performed before dental implants can be placed.

Besides, how long it takes to get a tooth implant depends on the quality of the jaw bone. For those with thin jawbones, bone loss, etc. who are not eligible for implant placement, additional bone grafting will be needed, so the treatment time will also be longer.

2.2 Doctor’s professional qualifications

Implant placement is a difficult technique, requiring highly specialized and experienced doctors. That way, the new dental implant process can take place quickly and smoothly, avoid complications and the teeth will be highly durable.

2.3 Modern equipment

In addition to the doctor’s skills, modern equipment will help the dental implant process go faster. Because it will support and ensure accuracy in each operation, helping the implantation process shorten time.

The dentistry is equipped with modern machinery to ensure accurate implant placement, thereby contributing to shorter treatment time.

2.4 Type of implant used

Implant head is also a factor that affects how long it takes for tooth implantation to complete. High-quality implants with modern production technology will shorten the time to integrate into the jawbone and restore porcelain quickly while still ensuring high stability.

2.5 General health

Health is also a factor that affects how long it takes to implant dentures. Because patients with diseases such as heart disease, blood pressure, etc. or pregnant women are forced to wait until their health is good before they can have a transplant.

3. How to shorten dentures time effectively and safely

To optimize the effectiveness and time, please ‘remember’ the following things:

  • Tooth implant as soon as possible: After losing a tooth or having a tooth extracted, you should go to the dentist to have a tooth implant plan as soon as possible. Because after about 3 months of losing teeth without implanting dentures, the jawbone will be hollowed out, leading to receding gums and opposing teeth becoming misaligned or protruding, causing loss of aesthetics and affecting chewing. Then the tooth implantation time may be longer because it takes time to lift the sinuses, bone graft or treat dental diseases (if any).
  • Choose a reputable dentist, a doctor with experience in tooth implantation: Doctors with high experience and expertise will perform the procedures more quickly and accurately, minimizing treatment time.
  • Choose a good Implant line with fast osseointegration: Currently, high-end Implant lines such as Straumann Implant (Switzerland), Neodent Implant (Switzerland), Hahn Implant (USA)… offer the ability to quickly osseointegrate. Fast, high stability, limiting column rejection.
A quality implant will help speed up bone integration time, prevent rejection, and maintain a sustainable third set of teeth…
  • Prioritize dentistry with a modern equipment system: Dental clinics are fully equipped with modern machinery and technology that can help the tooth implantation process take place faster and more accurately.
  • Follow post-operative care instructions: Good post-operative care helps shorten recovery time and reduce the risk of complications. Accordingly, you should follow your doctor’s instructions on oral hygiene and diet; At the same time, you should have a dental check-up on schedule so that the doctor can check and promptly handle abnormalities (if any).

4. Save time getting dental implants at Elite Dental with a clear plan and top doctors

Elite Dental is honored to be the first representative of Vietnam, as well as the second center in Southeast Asia, becoming a “Specialized Implant Training Center” appointed by the world’s leading Implant Straumann Group, Switzerland. . With a team of doctors with more than 15 years of experience and high expertise, Elite Dental has brought charming smiles to hundreds of patients, even patients with long-term tooth loss. As follows:

  • Highly specialized and experienced doctors develop a clear treatment roadmap to help optimize patient time. Thanks to that, not only customers living in Ho Chi Minh City but also in other provinces, even overseas Vietnamese aunts and uncles, international guests still have a comfortable treatment experience, conveniently arranging time according to schedule individual.
Many customers are satisfied with the dental implant experience at Elite Dental:  Fast – Gentle – Satisfactory results.
Skilled Implant Placement Dentists at Elite Dental, Ho Chi Minh City

Implant placement is a complex dental technique, not simply about inserting the implant post into the jawbone, but also involves selecting the appropriate implant placement direction, analyzing the jawbone structure, the condition of the teeth, and the underlying health issues of the patient (if any). Only skilled implant placement dentists…

  • Applying a comprehensive digital process in all steps of implant implantation such as a CBCT camera for accurate diagnosis, a PIC machine for painless impression of the Implant position, etc. Thanks to that, not only does it help shorten treatment time, not only helps Miss and Uncle quickly restore missing teeth so they can eat and chew comfortably, but also provides a gentle and comfortable dental experience.
  • In particular, Elite has the ultimate immediate restoration solution on full-mouth implants. Thanks to modern digital applications, many aunts and uncles (who meet the conditions) who have lost all their teeth and jaws can have their entire jaw restored immediately on implants without the need for temporary teeth. The full jaw implant treatment time has now been shortened to just 1 PHASE. Ms. Chu will soon have a complete new set of teeth in just about 10 days to 2 weeks. See details here.
  • Using popular types of implants in the world helps customers, especially overseas Vietnamese aunts and uncles, easily fix implant problems (if any) right in their home country without having to waste time traveling to the dentist. dental work in Vietnam.

Mr. Phung – a customer who has experienced dental implants at Elite Dental believes that the dental implant process is extremely fast and saves time. Furthermore, the doctor’s procedure is extremely cool and does not cause any pain. After only 2 weeks of treatment, Mr. Phung has new teeth and a confident smile to comfortably live.

When asked about the time and effectiveness of dental implants at Elite Dental, Mr. Nhien also confided: “With Elite Dental, right from finding out information on the website and on YouTube, there is a team of highly specialized doctors. I liked it very much. When I came here, I saw spacious facilities and fully modern, very reliable machinery. Thanks to that, his complete tooth loss was quickly restored with implants. Now he doesn’t have to suffer from difficulty and loose chewing due to using removable jaws like before, but is more confident in eating his favorite foods and enjoying life more carefree.”

full mouth dental implants

Also according to Ms. Vung and Mr. Thao’s husband and wife: “Looking through the pictures, we see that there are modern, clean facilities here, so as soon as we returned to Vietnam, we went to Elite Dental and chose to get our teeth done here.” always and don’t go anywhere else. Everything here is so good, from the consultants, Dr. Tran Hung Lam is very good, number 1 in Vietnam. Miss Chu soon had perfect teeth that were beautiful and could eat right away, without having to adjust them back and forth or have any swelling or pain.”

Hopefully with the above article, Elite Dental has helped people answer questions about how long tooth implantation takes and other related factors. In general, dental implant methods do not take too much time, but in order to maintain long-term results and limit complications, it is best for patients with tooth loss to choose the Dental Implant method.

If you have any questions, you can contact Elite Dental for specific advice.



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